Windster x Stars

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Today in the laboratory instead of WingDing was Windster, which at the moment helped Starlord record everything in a notebook. The day like all the others was pretty calm. Star was walking around the lab now and was saying something, while Wind was recording everything.

"Wrote it?" StarLord asked.

"To the smallest detail," answered Wind.

Stars sighed and sat on a chair. Wind came to him in his chair.

It was always hard for them to work without Ding. And especially when he was sick. And today was the day when Ding fell ill.

"We think we'll manage? Today, for us, more work than usual," muttered Wind.

"I think that we can do everything until the evening"

Both smiled and in a few hours everything was done, although the evening had not yet come.

Now they both sat in the kitchen and drank tea by eating cookies (these two took my cookies !!!). They talked about different things. Wind joked, and Stars laughed at these jokes. And they were hugging (behind the scenes: * Alice * oh, now I'm sick of this! * Mari * yea, yeah, of course, of course ...)

The next thing happened, Marie came running into the kitchen and both received a slap and a double-edged punishment.

As punishment, they helped the Swap with household chores and now they swept the room of Ding and Stars.

"Hey, Stars?" said Wind.


"I really love you !" said Wind blushing purple.

Stars became lilac-violet, but he smiled.

"I really love you too , Windzy" said Stars.

Yeah, new chapter with my oc . I'll make more chapters with ocs and hope ya don't mind .(Other G on art is Op!g , not mine)

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