Uhm...new AU..?

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So, I made Merger in Suicune400's new au. Sorry, I still didn't get the name of it. So, here's...not Merger but his other version.

not Merger but his other version

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Yeah, he's.....really really young... And he has other name, aka Icevair

So, some info as always

• In this au he has father, real father.

• Icevair is 10-12 years old.

• He is active

• Cute

• Almost always get in trouble

• His father died from kinda old age and mother died at birth

• Has someone who is taking care of him

• Young Dragon Master

• Has to learn about so many things

• Shy around new people

• Smart

• Learns quickly

• Mostly hides his horns

• Is bullied by some kids because of his unusual tail

• Always stays near Astral

• Has marks on his left horn

I guess that's all...

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