Child!Fell x Child!SwapFell

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Sorry, that chapter is short.

Morning. In the 7th group the Gasters began to gather. Gaster Gang was already here and played all together. From the cubes, they did something similar to the ships(wow, so many cubes) and began to play pirates.

"Yarr, do not spare anyone!!" Fell swinging a toy sword.

"Captain Blindy, we are attacked! What do you want us to do?" said Swap.

"Prepare your weapons, we fight back!"

"Yes captain!" after these words the battle of sailors and pirates began.

All fought without losing opportunities in victory. The battle was a long, many fell.

"Give us the princess Maestro until we destroy you all!!" cried Swaf.

"No way!!" replied B and pierced his 'sword' Swaf, and then Fell.

"Victory!!" shouted the sailors.

"Hey, so it's not fair! This time you had to lose!!" Fell was indignant.

"You can't do anything, you've lost." B smirked.

With a disgruntled and angry face, Fell and SF went to their favorite corner and sat down there. Swaf leaned against Fell, he looked tired. Fell surprisingly didn't push him away, but, on the contrary, he pressed SwapFell harder to him. The two embraced and kissed each other on the cheeks, after which Fell lay down on the floor and SF lay on him.

They fell asleep and didn't wake up until the evening.

Gaster Gang shipsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя