Here they are

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Wing:*gets up* Who are you? *eyes glowing*

??: You don't know me, but Icey, Merger and Maka do


??:*looks down at Ice* Will you bring mama something to drink, Sunshine?

Icevair: Sure, mommy! *runs to the table where food and drinks were*

Floret Nib:*stops as Viloy ran into her, so hey both fell to the ground* Ow....

Viloy:*gets off her* Why are you here?

??: To see my children and their friends


Maka: Hey, don't be like that to h-

Wing: Leave, now...

??: Why? I want to see my children, why should I?

Mari: Children? We are not your children...

??:*chuckles* You are wrong, Mari

Floret Nib: How did you know her name?!

??: I just do, besides, if I'll tell you now, you won't believe.

Voyager Gear:*stands in front of everyone, looking at the person, makes his hand turn into a sword* Stay back.

??: You know that we won't fight equally.

Wing: Why is that?

??:*walks out of the shadow* I am smaller than him and also weak.

Voyager Gear:*the sword turns back into the hand* I think I know you as well.

??: Then, who am I?

Astral:*walks with Merger* What's going on here?

Merg:*looks at the person* O-oh my gosh.....

Wing: Get l-

Maka:*sighs* Shut up Wing. *walks to a person* Everyone, this is our creator.

Floret Nib: I do not believe that!

Astral: Eh?

??:*sighs* Guess I need todo this *took the hood off*

**Now everyone saw a girl with left eye covered, she looks almost the same as Maka but her right eye was brown color and eyeball was white like if she was a normal human....dark brown color. The hair was even more darker than Maka's, even though they were brown as well. The girl has some black spots on her cheeks**

??: Maybe I still look absolutely different to you, but me and Maka has something the same

**They both shows a huge scars that goes along their bodies. The scars looks absolutely the same except for their colour. Maka's was green, that girl's purple**

Merg:*walks to the girl, knees down and hugs her* I-I missed you so much.......Mokki

Gaster Gang shipsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя