Fell x Windster

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Fell sat on the couch and watched TV, as always. Of course on TV they showed another drama and Fell didn't want to watch it, but there was nothing to see. He watched it very long and was already getting tired of all this, but all of a sudden..

"Mm, watchin drama again?" said Windigo, standing behind the couch.

"As if you could find something interesting.." Fell said rudely.

"To your happiness, I have a disk on which there are a lot of horror and militants." Windy walked around the sofa and sat down next to Fell, showed the disk.

"Horrors you said? Ok, turn on the most terrible of these films" Windy smiled.

"The post for the honor, my captain" Windy went to the TV and put the disc in the player and then chose the worst film and turned it on.

Fell during this time had time to bring drinks and snacks, and turn off the light in the living room. Both sat on the couch and after a couple of minutes ate all the snacks and drank all the juice. After the blood, dismemberment, etc. has already begun. There were many terrible moments, that these two cried out for fear, sometimes laughed.

Soon the night came and the skeletons dispersed through the rooms. Windster couldn't sleep for a long time, in the darkness he imagined terrible creatures from the movie that he watched with Fell. Not long thinking Windy went to Fell's room, walkinh inside he saw that he didn't sleep too.

"Why are you here, breeze?" Fell asked.

"Can't sleep, may I sleep with you?" Fell blushed a little.

"Tch, you're lucky I'm not sleeping. Lie down next to me." Fell moved to the wall and patted the place next to him.

Windigo smiled a little and lay down next to Fell. Covered with a blanket, they both clung to each other. Despite this, they still couldn't fall asleep. Windigo thought for a long time before kissing Fell on the cheek. Fell blushed but kissed Windigo, too, after which they finaly fell asleep.

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