WingDing x Fell

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Evening. Everybody's on their way to bed. All except Ding and Fell. They sat on the couch and watch some drama.

The most snotty drama that ever existed. About love, but not about ordinary love, not at all. This dramatic film was about two loving men who lost each other in childhood. Generally, snot and tears.

Both watched it with reluctance, but there was nothing else on TV. So an hour has passed but the film continued and it became boring.

"Boooooring, any ideas?" Fell asked.

"Nope, none.." Ding replied.

Both sighed. Think about it. Thought, thought, and once again thought, but nothing came to mind. Soon Fell came up with a strange idea, a very strange idea, even too much but..he wanted to try it out.

While his neighbor on the couch stubbornly thought, Fell managed push him.

Ding fell on the couch and was covered in yellow blush when he saw Fell on top of him. He blushed too, and after a few seconds kissed Wingding. He was shocked, but he didn't resist and just kissed back. A few more moments and the kiss ended abruptly and was followed by cuddles on the part of the Scientist. Again a kiss, and another. The last was very deep and long, but both liked it. Soon the kiss was over, and turning off the TV, Fell put of Dingus on top of him. A couple of minutes and they fell asleep with a pleasant taste in their mouths.

Yay, another weird ship! Hope ya will like it. ;3

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