Child!Swap x Child!Fell

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Sorry, this will be short.

A quiet evening, the gang was already at home and was busy with their own affairs. While Bunny & Fox was preparing dinner, the children played, read and watched TV. Swap lay on the couch next to Fell and watched cartoons, thinking about something stupid. Fell sometimes looked at Swap and how he blushed, blushing too. After a couple of minutes Swap hugged Fella and he tried to push him away.

"What are you doing, you fool?! Stop doing it!!" Fell was obviously not happy.

"Aww, but you're so warm, I want to bask in your arms." Fell blushed more while Swap realized what he was saying and almost all his face was in blush.

Swap began to apologize to Fell and was already about to let him go, when suddenly Fell pulled him quickly and slightly rudely. The two turned away from each other. Fell pressed Swap to him and lay on the couch, holding him close. Swap leaned against Fell and kissed his cheek, which he was kissed on the forehead in response. Fell stroked Swap's head and both continued to watch TV. Later, everyone was invited to eat, Swap and Fell sat down next to each other and quietly ate.

After dinner, the children were laid in their beds, but when Bun & Fox left, Swap immediately moved to Fell's bed and cuddled up to him. Both quickly fell asleep, starting to dream about each other.

Gaster Gang shipsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя