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So, mah friend Suicune400 made mah boy in SwapFell au, so I wanted to write a description here. By the way, thanks for drawing him, he look like a real bad boy. Okh, where do we start? Oh, yeah. And by the way, again, I will write just like sis did(sorry if you don't want me to)

Name: Grey

Age: 25 [in human years]

Status: Has pet

Soul: Half black and half white

Submissive or dominant?: dominant

Sexuality: Gay

Personality: Mostly calm, quiet, sometimes aggressive, even too much. "Man of property", never gives his things to anyone

Work: Has a random income, but mostly he has to travel to other cities and countries to earn good money.

Other: A bit sadist. Knows alot of languages. Has a nickname Raven

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