Mission Went Wrong

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[Lucy's pov]
It was nice day in Magnolia. I was rushing to the guild because Natsu and I had plans to go on a mission today and I was 20 minutes late. When I pushed the big doors I saw pink hared dragon slayer looking at me. "Hey Natsu!" I said. "Yo Lucy, you're late." Pink dragon slayer said to me. "I know, I'm really sorry, I slept in." I said with sad expresion. "Hey it's not biggie, let's just go." He said to me with his signature grin. I didn't know why but seeing that grin made me happy..

[Natsu's pov]
Me and Lucy were on a train to go to this city that was on the other side of Fiore. The moment the train started moving I was out for the count. My face got green and I was about to hurl when suddenly Lucy put my head on her lap. I inhaled her scent and I was immediately relaxed. Weird thing was that I never actualy smelled Lucy's scent this close before. I think that for a moment I even blushed. After a long ride we finally got of the train and I kissed the sweet ground. "Don't be so dramatic!" I heard Lucy say to me. "It's not my fault that the ground feels so good." I said with big grin on my face.

~Time skip to the person who made the job request.~

"Hello. Are you wizards from Fairy Tail?" He started. "We sure are, sir!" Lucy said with a smile. "So, can u tell us what this job is about?" I asked the guy. "Ah, yes. Your job is to defeat the monster that had been destroying our village for the past 2 weeks. The award is 200,000 jewel, correct?" He asked. "That's right." Lucy yelled. I couldn't help but smile at her.

"So, basically, we have to beat this monsters ass and we go home, right?" I asked. I knew the answer but I wanted to chat with Lucy. I had feelings for har for a long time now and I hopped that after this mission I'll tell her how I feel..

[Lucy's pov]
"So, basically, we have to beat this monsters ass and we go home, right?" Natsu asked me. "That's right." I said back and started walking a little bit faster. I don't know what's with me this past month, I've been getting this weird feeling when I'm with Natsu. Like my heart beats faster every time he smiles at me and-


[Normal pov]
Loud crash was heard in the distance close to Natsu and Lucy. They both looked around.. and then they both saw it. It was monster at least 15 foot tall, bloody red eyes, it's furr was grey and you could sence evil around it. Natsu and Lucy got in their fighting position.
"Open, gate of the golden bull.. Taurus!" Lucy yelled and the big white bull come from the gate. "And star dress.. Taurus form!" Lucy started ti glow and weared her star dress. Lucy and Natsu started to fight. "Fire dragon's.. ROAR!" Natsu yelled and flames came out of his mouth straight to the monster. Monster just looked at it like it was nothing. Soon the monster was hit and Natsu looked at it shoocked. "Hyaaa! Lucy punch" Lucy yelled as she runned to the monster and hit it with her full streinght. Monster fell but soon enough stood back up. Monster started running at them and attacked Natsu with his vlaw, Natsu dodged and throw a punch at the monster "Fire dragon's.. IRON FIST!!" He yelled as he punched the monster and send it flying off.

After awhile fighting Natsu and Lucy got tired but they didn't want to give up. Lucy's star dress and taurus were gone, Natsu was breathing heavily. Monster was still not harmed enough to dissapear. Monster run to them and punched Natsu and he slamed at the tree and fell unconscious. Lucy just stared in horror and run to Natsu's side.

[Lucy's pov]
I ran to Natsu and fell on my knees beside him. I started to shake him. "Natsu, Natsu wake up!! Please open your eyes!" He didn't move but I could feel his heart-beat. I sighed in relief. I stood up and looked at the monster with furry in my eyes. "How dare you hurt my nakama?!" I asked in anger. Monster just looked at me and sterted ti run towards me. I didn't care about how much I was tired, I had to protect Natsu.
"Star dress.. AQUARIUS FORM!!" I yelled as I transformed in my star dress. Monster was already half way to my direction. It formed a dark ball and throw it at me, I dodged it just in time. It created big explosion and a lot od trees were on fire. I used my water to cool down everything.
After awhile me and monster were borh at out limits, Natsu was still unconscious. I had no other choice but to do the acient spell my mom told me.


"Mommy, what is this spell?" Little Lucy asked her mom.
"That is acient spell Lucy. I'll teach you how to do the spell, but.." Layla stopped to take a big breath.
"Is something wrong, mommy?" Little Lucy was now curious.
"No Lucy, I'm fine. Listen to me.. I'll teach you the spell but you have to promise me that you will use only when you won't have any other option. You understand?" Layla said with serious face.
"I understand, mommy!"

~Flashback end~

[Lucy's pov]
"Thank you, mom." Lucy said with smile as she knew what will happen after she does the spell.

" I call upon the bright stars. Let me have your power this one time.." I started to glow yellow and stars appeared all around me.

[Natsu's pov]
I started to wake up with pain all over me. I just stared around and saw Lucy glowing, I wondered what was happening..
I saw it.. I knew that spell, I begged the god to tell me I heard wrong but.. I wasn't..
"Lucy!! No, don't use that spell! You'll-"
"I know." I heard Lucy say with tears in her eyes and sorrow in her voice. She smiled at me and said the final words of the spell..

"Sacrifice the life of the one that casts the spell, win over evil and protect the ones you love.." She said

I just stared at her with major shock. The bright light was all over the place, I had to close my eyes. When I opened them the monster was gone and I saw Lucy starting to fall. I ran to her as fast as I could. Before she fell on the floor I cought her. "Lucy, wake up! Don't do this to me, Luce!" I begged her to wake up. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me with weak smile. "Natsu.." She said as I started to tear up.
"I'm glad I met you Natsu, you were the best thing that happened to me. I love you, Natsu" At this point I was already crying my eyes out. "I love you too, Luce! Please don't go!" She held her hand on my cheek, I land in her hand as I held her close to me. "I think this is the end of our jurney, Natsu.." She said with tears streaming down her beutiful face. "No, Lucy! Don't say that, I can't lose you!!!"
Her hand dropped on the ground and my eyes widend.. She was gone.. My Lucy was.. gone.. "Noooo!!!" I yelled at the top of my loungs and broke down.

~ The End~
I hope I didn't make anyone cry.. 😣


I hope you enjojed my first story ever!
Till the next time minna!

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