Etherious Lucy Heartfilia

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"Natsu!!" Screamed a blonde with tears falling down her brown eyes. The fire dragon mage got shot with the black arrow witch was ment to strike Lucy.

Rogue's eyes widened, but soon got back to normal. He was still not satisfied.

"Natsu! Hey, wake up!" Lucy's knees collapsed beside her best friend who was stained in red. His eyes slowly opened to see his beloved friend.

"L-Luce... D-Don't cry, I hate to s-see you like that.." Natsu said in shaky and weak voice. His palm raised up and brushed against Lucy's cheek.

"Natsu... you gotta hang in there, please..." Her tears fell, her heart ached, her chest burned. She couldn't stand to see her best friend and soulmate getting hurt in front of her.

"Luce, I-I'll be fine, this is n-nothing.." He said as his hand dropped to the cold flor. Lucy's agonizing screams filled the whole room, leaving future Rogue with crossed arms, clearly not interested.

"You. You are the one responsible for this! I'm gonna make you pay for what you did to Natsu, messing with us was the biggest mistake you ever made!" Lucy roared as her eyes went form brown to glowing red. She looked like a beast and nothing could prepare future Rogue on what was comming.

"What's with you?! I never knew you had this kind of power!" He yelled horryfied of the blonde Celestial mage.

Her eyes were still glowing, the black wings appeared behind her back as well as the long black horns.

"W-What are you?!"

"All that matteres is that you'll be dead."

Rogues body began to tremble. Lucy came to his direction in lightning speed and in one move slid her hand through his chest. He chought out blood and collapsed while bleeding out. Lucy smiled while also being disgusted.

"It didn't have to go this far..." She mummled and walked away, but she realized something.

"Oh no... What did I do?! What is this! What am I? Oh my god, what have I done?!!" Lucy screamed as she roughly stuck her nails in her skin.

"L-Lucy..?" Natsu began to slowly wake up, he saw Lucy with red eyes and black wings while her arm was bleeding and she was screaming in fear.

"Lucy! W-What happened?" He said as he stood up and began to walk to her to calm her down.

"Get away from me, Natsu! I don't know what I might do!" She yelled as she kept taking steps back, but Natsu just kept walking.

"Get away!!" She screamed as bean of power came from her and pushed Natsu back and hit the wall hard, almost leaving his body inprinted on it.

"Ugh.. i-it's okay, Luce.. Everything will be okay.. calm down." He said in a weak voice as she fell on her knees, crying histericaly.

"I hurt you, just stay away! I don't want to hurt you! J-Just stay away from me!" She said as Natsu smiled.

"As if I could stay away from you.. I love you too much to do that.." He said and collapsed on his knees beside her.

"I love you too, but you need to stay away!" She kept backing away until Natsu wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.

"I don't care if you hurt me, Lucy. I would still love you, even if you killed me. I wouldn't let anyone hurt me but you. So, stop worrying and let me fix this.." Natsu said as she finally calmed down and relaxed in his arms.

"Thank you, I really love you.."

"I love you too.." They both said with a smile.


"Try to focus all your magic to turn back." Natsu said as he backed away to let Lucy concentrate.

Lucy took a deep breath and focused on the mental picture of her normal form. Few minutes passed and she started to glow in beautiful combination of blue and yellow.

Wind started to spin around her and Natsu watched with amazement, while hoping for her to succed.

The dust cleared and Lucy was in ber normal form, but her eyes were dull and dead. Natsu noticed it immidiately.

"Luce, are you okay?!" He rushed to her side and held her by the shoulders.

"Say something Lucy!"


Her eyes closed as she fell on Natsu, worrying him even more. They couldn't leave the castle either, because of the big rocks that blocked the exit.

"Damn it Lucy, wake up!" He called as he shook her in order to wake her, but it was useless.


"Lucy, come on, you gotta wake up.. we have to get out and I can't do it without you." Natsu said with desperation. Lucy layed on the flood while Natsu tried everything he could've think of for them to get out.

"Natsu! Lucy! Are you in there?!!" Gray's voice echoed in the empty halway.

"We're here!" Natsu yelled back.

"Oh thank god... Is Lucy okay?"

"She... I don't know! I'll figure something to wake her up, you just focus on removing those rocks out if the way."

"Did you try to kiss her?"

"W-What? Why would I do that?" Natsu yelled as he looked at Lucy with blush on his face.

"Just do it!"

Natsu looked at Lucy hesitantly and got closer to her face. He closed his eyes and brushed his lips against hers. Her lips were soft and plump, they tasted like honey and strawberry. He couldn't get enough of them, but he held back. The only thing that mattered to him was that she was awake and well.

"N-Ngh.. Natsu.." She said and their eyes met. His eyes started to water as he was finally sure his Lucy was okay.

"You're okay!" He couldn't wait any longer, be wraped his muscular arms around her one more time and held her close to himself, not ever wanting to let her go.

"I'm happy to be back!" She said and pinned her lips against his. Pasonately, they both melted into the kiss, radiating with warmth and affection.

Gray bursted through the rocks with Erza and Wendy beside him. The all felt the love sparks that came from Natsu and Lucy and they all felt glad that everything went okay.

But, what about ELH..?

Finished, finally! 😩

Not proud of this story, I feel like every story I write is crap.. I just have writters block, nothing to worry about.

Hope you enjojed, bye ❤️

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