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I always felt alone,



attention seeking,

I've never felt like I was important to someone and it always hurt. I thought that no one will ever love someone like me. My dad made sure that I knew how unimportant I was.

My whole childhood was awful, filled with darkness, sadness and coldness. I don't remember being genuinely happy after my mother's death. She was the only person who I trusted, and it affected me when she left.

I ran away from home and decided to live my life the way I wanted. But the empty feeling never left me, I couldn't do anything to get rid of it.

That was, until I met him.

He changed my world, he brought happiness and he gave my life worth and finally, I felt like I was someone's first choice. That is the most pure and amazing feeling a human heart can experience. He filled the emptiness in my soul.

Even the first time I lied my eyes on him, I felt some kind of connection, it wasn't exactly in romantic way, that came a little bit later, it was affection in a way that only stars could explain.

It was like when you meet your soulmate, you instantly know it, but you're too afraid to say anything. I was lucky enough so he confessed to me first, and I didn't hesitate to return his feelings.

We dated for 2 years and our relationship wasn't perfect, such thing doesn't exist, we had our ups and downs, but we always forgave each other and tried our best to understand each side of story. He gave me everything I could ever ask for, emotionally.

After those beautiful two years, he decided to propose to me, I will never forget the look in his eyes after asking those four little words. They were filled with love, something I longed for all my life..

He gave me happiness and I'll spend the rest of my life returning those feelings to him.


"Luce! Are you done writing yet? I'm starving!" Yelled an annoyed dragon slayer while walking to his beloved wife as she slowly put her pen down. Her eyes were glittery from tears, all memories of their happy moments running through her body.

"Hey hunny, yeah, I'm almost finished, give me few more minutes," she answered while giving him a warm smile as one tear slipped and landed on the piece of paper. Natsu noticed and his eyes widened in panic.

"W-What's wrong? Did someone hurt you? I swear I'll burn them down if they said one wrong word to you!" His fists lightened on fire as his rage continued rising.

"No, no! I'm just happy, that's all! No need to burn anyone.." Lucy sweat dropped while Natsu calmed down and sighed in relief.

"Are you on your period, Luce? Is that why you're over emotional?" Blondes face reddened in seconds and she started chasing the laughing dragon slayer.

Even though she was embarrassed, she couldn't deny her happiness..

"I love you so much," she whispered as tears of joy rolled down her cheeks.

Natsu stopped running and warmly smiled at his wife, he stepped closer to her and wrapped his arms around her, giving her a tight embrace. She hugged him just as tightly before letting go and placing a soft kiss on his lips.

Lucy didn't know one thing about Natsu, he was just like her in the past. Just as much as he changed her life, she changed his as well. He couldn't have asked for better person to spend the rest of his life with.


there, all done! sorry if its too short, i didn't even plan for it to be to be this long to be honest. i wanted to make short and emotional fluff and idk if i succeed

i just know that i feel really empty and lonely, i'm at a really bad place rn and i'm trying to stay positive, but suicidal thoughts keep up with me on every step. i just want you to know if i suddenly stop making one shots or other stories, i finally gathered enough courage to do it

one more thing, do not feel sorry for me, i only told this so you can have some kind of an explanation.

I hope you have wonderful day, bye bye ❤️

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