Sleeping Together

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quick A/N: i'm sorry for the previous chapter, it wasn't really been thought through and many probably didn't get what was going on, tbh i didn't either heh
anyway enjoy this.. whatever it is

"Naaatsu! Get outta here!" Lucy whined while the well known Fire mage continued to snore beside her.

Blonde tried kicking him, shoving him, yelling at him but none of it worked. It was due to the fact that he was a heavy sleeper and nothing could wake him up from his slumber.

"Natsu, please!! I can't sleep like this!" Stellar mage whined once more, Natsu was laying with both his arms and legs spread out. But somehow his leg was tangled with Lucy's.

It was as if he had to make sure she's still with him.

Fire mage yawned and pushed himself up. He slowly rubbed his eyes while his messy hair jumped on all sides.

He looks... adorable.

Celestial wizard mentally slapped herself for thinking along the lines of that. But even though she wanted to deny it, she just couldn't. His sleepy and half open eyes that he tried keeping open as long as possible, his messy morning hair... he looked attractive without even trying, and it kinda frustrated Lucy.

Tell me how?

How are you able to look this good after sleeping?!

When I wake up I look like a homeless person who hasn't seen shower in months, I look like a hardcore junkie that took drugs for a week straight.

Ugh, I hate you, Natsu!

"Luce, are you okay? What's with all weird facial expression?" The boy asked as he leaned on his elbow.

"Huh? N-Nothing at all!"

"Aright then, why did you wake me up?" He asked.

"Oh yeah! I can't sleep with you taking all the space! I'm uncomfortable and I have to look out so I don't accidentally touch you or something! You're making me unable to sleep in my own home!" She lectured the poor guy while he simply answered with..

"Then don't. Don't be embarrassed to touch me, I promise I don't bite." He said lazily and collapsed back on the bed while opening his arms for Lucy to fit in.

The blonde bit her lip in thought. She was embarrassed to actually sleep with him, but at the same time she really wanted to. So she chose what her heart wanted instead of listening to her brain.

She slowly stooped down and placed her head on his bicep. She covered her face with her hand to hide her deep blush.

Natsu smiled widely and wrapped his arms around her protectively, making sure no harm was able to come near her.

"You're super cute when you blush," he grinned, making the blonde blush even more.

"S-Shut up!" Lucy slapped his chest playfully and placed her palm on his neck, ready to fall asleep.

"I love you," he whispered in her ear and tightened his grip around her.

Lucy stayed quiet, too flustered to say anything.

"Oi! Say it back!"


"Is that so? Shall I make you say it then?" The man said seductively while getting on top of Lucy, staring deeply into her chocolate brown eyes.

Her heart rate increased.

"N-Natsu, s-stop it..." she turned her head to the side, avoiding eye contact.

"Not until you say it back," he blackmailed.


Natsu smashed their lips together as Lucy yelped in surprise.

He kissed her and the world fell away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below her ear, his thumb caressing her cheek as their breaths mingled. She ran her fingers down his neck, pulling him closer until there was no space left between them and she could feel the beating of his heart against her chest.

Natsu slowly parted away, both of their eyes looked dozed. The chemistry between them radiated all over the place. Lucy's lips formed a smile as she placed a small peck on his lips.

"You idiot, I love you so much..." she sighed while holding his cheek, her thumb slowly caressing it.

Natsu leaned in her soft and warm hand before smiling sweetly.

"Thank you..." he closed his eyes and appreciated the moment.

"For what?"

"For being you.."


i hope this makes up for yesterday..

bye bye

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