Save Her

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"Mina..." blonde shivered in her apartment. She was all alone after Natsu left for his training that was supposed to last one year, but it's been two and half years already.

Lucy had enough.

The Fairy Tail guild didn't exist anymore. Everyone went their separate ways and she was left alone.

Blonde tried her best to reach out to everyone but she never got a response back from anyone. She felt abandoned and broken.

Lucy couldn't breath, it felt as if someone was choking her. Her heart was racing and all she wanted to do was curl up into a ball and wait for someone to save her. But no one would, no one was there. A choked cry for help forced itself up her throat, and she felt a drop run down her cheek. It seemed as if this was the end of the road for her.

"Natsu..." she whispered in the air, calling out for him to save her like he always would.

Oh please! He won't save you this time!

Maybe he hasn't came back because he died somewhere on the road...


Lucy had a gun that sat next to her, loaded and ready to end a life.

Tears were streaming down her porcelain skin as her whole body shook. At least the demons in her head never left her.

Do it!

No one will care if you die so just do it already!

"No... please..." she cried.

What's the matter?

Oh, that's right!

You're too weak!

That's what you've always been!

"I'm sorry..." her trembling fingers got a hold around the gun and she slowly picked it up. Her eyes examined the weapon in front of her for short amount of time before putting it to the side of her head.

She was seconds away from pulling the trigger when...

"Home sweet home," a well known voice whispered as the door opened and he walked inside.

He turned the lights on and the color quickly drained from his face.

"L-Lucy.. what the hell are you doing..?" He asked carefully as he spread his hand out in hope to come closer and remove the dangerous thing away from the blonde.


"No, you're not real... you can't be.. Natsu left... Natsu left me alone..." she muttered and closed her eyes.

"N-No! I-I'm real! Give me that gun, Luce! Please!" He could no longer control his hands; they were shaking in an odd trembling rhythm, and a feeling of dread crept up from the pit of his stomach to his chest.

Lucy re-opened her once chocolate eyes, after so long of only sadness present in them they became the color of mud. All color was removed from them a long time ago, it disappeared when she lost all hope.

In front of her really stood pink haired boy she loved with all her heart. He looked terrified. His watery eyes were exceeding and the hairs on his back bristled. A throng of goose bumps coated his skin. Trying to breathe in and out but little air was entering pinkette's lungs. He stood looking at her, for what felt like a perpetuity but was actually few moments.

He could feel his pulse beating through his veins. He clenched his fists up, hands full of sweat.

"Please, Luce, give me that gun so we can talk..." a weak and forced smile appeared on his lips as tears began rolling down his face. Just the thought of his most precious friend killing herself made him sick.

"Why did you leave?!!"

"H-Huh?" Dragon Slayer stuttered, taken back by blondes sudden shout.

"Why didn't you come back after a year like you promised?!! Like a year wasn't long enough, right? You made me wait so much longer! I lost hope long ago and when I finally gathered enough courage to end it you magically show up!! Why Natsu?! Why do you torture me like this..?" She choked out while breaking down even more.

"It's not what you think, I-I promise!"

"Then explain!"

"A-After a year I realized I still wasn't strong enough so I had to train harder in order to protect you and everyone important to me... I wanted to find you to tell you but I knew if I saw you I wouldn't have the strength to leave again, that's also why I left you nothing but a note in the first place! I was, and still am a coward to confront you about so many things!"

Lucy's lips slightly parted and her hand became oddly numb. It fell to the ground and the gun fell out as well.

Natsu quickly ran to her and kicked the gun across the room with his leg and hugged the blonde tightly. He held her close as she passed out.

As more tears came, more thought whirled through his head.

Fire mage shut his eyes and cried silently for some time while still holding Lucy in his arms. The thoughts were accelerating inside his head. He wanted them to slow so he could breathe but they wouldn't. Natsu's breaths came in gasps and he felt like he was going to black out. His heart was hammering inside his chest like it belonged to a rabbit running for its skin. The room was swirling as he was trying to make everything slow down so his brain and body could cope with it. He felt so sick.

I almost lost her...

Luce almost killed herself...

If I didn't came today... oh, god..


"I'm so sorry..." he sniffled quietly as the gut-wrenching sobs tore through his chest.


damn... was that too much?

nah, you'll be fine

love ya

have a wonderful day, bye ❤️

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