Already Over

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Prepare some tissues people. That's all I'm gonna say.
Try not to cry challenge! Begin!
She's gone.

I didn't save her.

I was't quick enough.

I wasn't strong enough.

It's all my fault you're gone.

I'm so sorry.

I wish I could change everything.

I miss you...

Please come back to me,


Why did it have to be already over?

Natsu sobbed by her grave. It already passed a month since his Celestial Mage had left him. It has been traumatizing for everyone, not just him.

"I'm sorry, Luce!!!" Fire Mage screamed at the dark night sky. His tears streaming down his cheeks. His face cupped in his palms. His chest hurting badly.

"Ahh, haah! I want you back, come back to me! I didn't even had the time to say my most tresured secret... Luce... I didn't even have the time to say sorry..." His palms suportted his head as it leaned down. Tears dripping.

"Y'know, I planned how I would confess to you. I wanted to take you to Sakura tree, I know how much you love it... Then, I would take your hands and hold them close to my chest..." Natsu took a pause, he imagined how it would look like and his tears came like a waterfall. He just couldn't hold back. He missed her so much.

"Hold them close to my chest... and let y-you feel my heart-beat. I would tell you that it only beats for you. I always loved when you'd blush, that was one of my favorite things about you. Then, I would tell you 'I love you'. I love you so much, Lucy. I'm sorry we fought that day. I know it was my fault, I'm so sorry." Guilt started to flow inside of him, his chest hurted so much as he remembered the painful memory. Mental pain, so much worse than physical.


"Just stop bothering me! I said it was your fault! If you weren't so weak and defended yourself, I wouldn't have to save you and we would've get the reward!" Natsu screamed at Lucy's terrified face. She had never saw him this mad... and it was her fault.

"Y-You're right... I'm sorry. I-I'll just go home." Lucy said, she turned around and left to her house. On her way she cried, she cried bad. She couldn't believe Natsu would say something like that, but it was true.

"Natsu! You moron! How could you say that to your nakama! To Lucy! Don't you love her?!" Happy yelled and he looked at him with anger.

"But it's true! She is weak! I don't need her!" He yelled, again.

"You're hopeless, don't you see... how much you hurted her? How can you not see it, she's probably crying right now, DON'T YOU HATE TO SEE HER LIKE THAT?! AND NOW, YOU MADE HER CRY!" Happy screamed in Natsu's face as he realized what he did. His eyes widening in realization, he felt the pain of guilt and left running. Running to apologize to Lucy.

'God, I'm sorry, Luce!' He thought as he ran.

As Natsu was getting closer to Lucy's house, he saw crowd of people sourround something. His curiosity got the best of him. When he saw what everyone was looking at, his heart stopped.

Lucy was laying on the ground. Her lifeless body, covered in blood. Her beautiful face, covered in blood.

"L-L-Luce..?" He tripped on his words as his knees colapssed beside her. His tears running down his face.

"Are you all fucking retarded?! Someone call help!" He screamed on top of his lungs.

"I'm sorry sir, her pulse is gone. Her heart stopped. S-She's dead." Some guy said with pity in his eyes.

"N-No... That can't be... LUCY!!!"

Flashback end

Tears, so many tears.

Sad, yet guilty.

His Lucy was never coming back.

His happinnes left him, forever.

Just because he let the anger flow,

She'll never come back home.

Too dramatic?

Probably, but I like that stuff.

Did you like it?

Did it make you tear up, or even cry?

Anyway, my new book (Suicidal Love) is published. Already two chapters in. Idk when I'll post next, but this should be enough for now. It's also very dramatic, but it's full of cute Nalu moments as well, so make sure to see it. It would mean a lot, but I also understand if you don't want to and I recpect that.

Thanks for reading! Bye! ❤️

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