Etherious Lucy Heartfilia - part 2

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"Tell us what happened in there," said Erza as Team Natsu already came back from the grand magic games with their winning trophe.

"Rogue was there, he was talking about some crap that i didn't care to remember and after he tried to shoot some black arrow at Lucy. That was when I jumped to save her and passed out." Natsu explained, more or less.

"Lucy, wanna add up something?" Master said and gave Lucy a comforting look telling her that she had nothing to worry about, that everything will be okay.

"W-Well.." Lucy stopped to take a breath in, she felt two strong arms on her shoulders as she looked up she saw her precious boyfriend goving her one of his goofy smiles. He leaned in and wispered, "You can do it.."

"Thank you.. I don't really remember much either. I just know that I thought Natsu was going to die and I went insane for a second. I was in some weird form with black wings and black dress. I remember seeing Rogue on a floor bleeding to death. I felt really guilty, no, I still do. He never deserved fate like this.. I'm sorry.." Lucy said as her head dropped in shame and guilt.

How could she be so weak to not be able to control her own body?

"That wasn't your fault, Luce. Remember what he wanted to do to you." Natsu growled at the thought of what could've happened, but moments later, he bent down and gave Lucy a kiss.

"Can you transform again?" Gray asked as Lucy shook her head no.

"I don't know how I did it in the first place.."

"That's not hard. You were worried about Natsu because you love him. We just have to figure out what are you." Erza said, crossing her arms and looking concentrated.

"We can test it and see if she'll transform.." Happy suggested as a lightball appeared above his blue body.

"That's not a bad idea, Happy!" Gray yelled as his clothes dissapeared, again.

"I don't know.." Lucy gulped and tried to think of an excuse.

"No excuses, we'll test it." Erza said and dragged Lucy out of the guild while she whined.

"Waaaah, no! Erza!"


"Okay, we know you transform when you think someone you love is in danger..." Erza said and put a sword on Natsu's neck.

"That won't work, I know you're not gonna hurt him." Lucy said as Laxus came and shocked him with his thunder. Natsu screamed in pain as Gray held him back to make him seem more helpless. Lucy gasped, her eye became red for a split second, but nothing else happened.

"Stop it, Erza! This isn't worth it!" Lucy yelled as she began to ran in Natsu's direction, but Gajeel held her back.

"What are you doing?!" Lucy's eyes started glowing red as Laxus continued shocking Natsu, every second it became more unbareable. Natsu's screames filled Lucy's ears and her mind went blank.

"Sorry bunny girl, but you're staying-" Gajeel couldn't finish, Lucy's black wings appeared and swung him away. She flew to Laxus and tackled him on the ground, her fist lighting with dark magic, ready to swing at him and kill if necessary.

"Thats enough Luce! I'm alright!" Natsu yelled and put his arms around her protectively, giving her a reality check.


"That's me, see? Nothing happened to me." He said in comforting voice and helped her get up.

"Can you turn back?" Gray asked as Lucy nodded. She started to concentrate and the wind of black dust appeared and surounded her.

When the wind cleared, Lucy was on the grass on her knees. Her eyes, once again, dull and dead.

"Luce..!" Natsu ran to her and put her in his arms as she lost consciousness and fell in Natsu's loving arms.

"Did that happen last time as well?" Erza asked as Natsu gave her a slight nod and firm face.

Later, Lucy was in infirmary and everyone waited for her to wake up. Natsu was in bed next to her and held her tightly. She often tossed and turned in her sleep, Natsu wanted to wake her because he thought she had a nightmare.

He shook her, but it didn't work.

He tried again, but the same thing happened.

"Luce! What's going on..?" He asked himself as he ran out to search for Wendy.





Someone's calling me. Who are you?

"I'm ELH."

What is ELH?

"ELH stands for Etherious Lucy Heartfilia. I am the few seconds that you become insane.. its me who killed Rogue and its me who almost killed your guildmate."

Why? How? How do you take control over me for a split second and not forever?

"Because.. you're only mad for a short amount of time. Every time there is that pink-haired boy who snaps you into reality and I can't stay you for long."

You mean Natsu? You mean he's the one who's taming me?

"Pretty much, I would already be you if it wasn't for him. But, one day, I'll be stronger then your love for him. I swear it, Heartfilia."


"..ce! Luce!"

"Natsu.. hey.." Lucy felt a strong and tight grip around her, she couldn't see who it was but she didn't even need to. She knew her dragon anywhere.

"You worried me, don't do that!" Natsu yelled and kissed her pasionately.

"N-Nat.. su.." She tried to say his name, but his tounge kept stopping her. After few moments, they both parted in the need of air.

"So, what about your transformations?" Natsu asked, worried. He didn't really approved her transforming because he knew what happened last time she transformed back and it stuck in his mind. He doesn't ever wanna see his Lucy with such dead and emotionless eyes.

"We don't need to worry about that, at least not for now." She answered and wrapped her arms around Natsu's neck and brushed their lips together which colided perfectly with one another.


How was it? Was it good, was it awful?

Again, I'm sorry for lame oneshots! The school is stopping me from doing anything I like..

Anyway, see ya in another story, bye ❤️

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