Taken Care Of

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"Acho!!" Someone suddenly let out two sneezes in a row.

"Are you feeling good, Lucy?" A white haired mage asked with concern. She made her way around the bar and walked over to the blonde.

She placed her palm on her forehead and her facial expression twisted.

"Oh, my! Lucy you're burning up!"

"What are you talking about? I'm completely fine!" The blonde protested and attempted to get up from her stool. Her head suddenly got dizzy and lightheaded so she grabbed onto the bar. Her head continued pounding no matter how much she tried to ignore it.

Mira looked at her with sympathy and an idea popped in her dirty little mind.

"Natsu!" She yelled and the one she called for turned his head from fighting with Gray.

He noticed his partner and best friend's pale face and the way she held her head in pain. His eyes held confusion as he landed finishing punch on Gray, sending him flying across the guild.

"Mira, what's wrong with Luce?" He asked, almost immediately when he came he put one of Lucy's arms around his shoulder and his other arm around her waist.

"She seems to have a high fever, can you take her home for me, please?" She asked politely.

"Yeah, of course.." and with that he said his goodbyes and headed to Lucy's house.

When guilds door closed Natsu noticed Lucy could barely walk, and with ease he bent his knees and got the celestial mage into a bridal hold.

This was the first time today Natsu could really look at blondes face, and it didn't look good.

Dark circles began forming under her eyes, her head was pouring sweat, and her breathing was heavy. He had to quicken his pace.

On the way to the house, every once in a while Lucy would let out a groan or a cough.

"Don't worry, Luce. We're almost there.." he whispered to her.

It took him less then 10 minutes to arrive, and as he did he put Lucy to bed and wrapped her up in blankets. He headed to the kitchen and took a clean white rag. He soaked it into ice cold water and rushed back to place it in Lucy's forehead.

"N-Natsu... i-it's so cold.." She mumbled while clenching the blankets around her in attempt to get as much heat from them as she could. 

"C-Can you lay with me..?" she slowly parted her eyelids to look at the boy taking care of her, she looked at him desperately and he had no choice.

He couldn't resist her pleads.

He climbed under the covers and got ahold of his best friend. Her body was ice cold.

Natsu's arms wrapped around her shivering figure and pulled her closer. She immediately let out a sigh of relief.

Soon enough, she comfortably fell asleep.


After a comfortable night Natsu had slept, the light from the outside prevented him from continuing his peaceful slumber. His eyes opened and he glanced at the girl beside him.

She didn't look any different from yesterday. The boy sighed sadly and carefully got up, not wanting to wake her up.

He walked into the kitchen and tapped on his chin, thinking where would Lucy put ingredients for soup.

It took him about 5 minutes to find everything he thought he would need. And after awhile his soup was ready.

Just as he was about to go and wake Lucy up he noticed her sitting on the bed. Her head was bent down, shadow covering her eyes.

"Luce? You okay?" He mumbled softly as he walked over to her.

"Y-Yeah.. D-Don't worry." She made sure not to make eye contact, and continued staring at her palms.

"You don't look okay to me." Natsu stated. He moved his body closer and placed his forehead on hers. The blonde quickly became flustered and panic took over her.

"W-W-What do you think you're doing?" She blurted.

"Checking your temperature, duh, what do you think.."

"You're still too warm for my liking, come with me, I made you soup." He frowned as her fever wasn't going down, but managed to smile at her.

"You were in my kitchen and nothings on fire? How come?"

"Oi! I can be careful when I really want to! Besides, can't have house on fire while you're here in this condition."

"Oh.. thank you. It actually looks eatable, I'm impressed!" Blonde giggled and grabbed the bowl into her hands.

Her hands were frailty and caution, shaking gently as she reached for the hot soup. They were ashen where the sunlight caught them, not ghostly like a white person, just subdued and greyish. That was the first time Natsu realized how vulnerable she was and how much of a toll the sickness had taken.

"Yummy! Good job, Natsu!" Lucy clapped her hands and stood up. A cringe feeling in her stomach.

"What are you doing?" She asked the boy as he was by her side, holding her close.

"Definitely don't wanna risk you getting dizzy or something again," he stated once more.

Last night, in the middle of the night. Lucy got up from the bed to use the bathroom. She walked there just fine but on her way back her knees collapsed and she got face to face with the floor.

"Thanks.." she thanked gratefully and sat on the bed. The boy kneeled down in front of her.

"Do you need anything else?"

"No, I'm okay, I'll just sleep." And as soon as blondes head touched the pillow and her eyes closed, the sleep overtook her.

So adorable.. Natsu thought to himself.

Suddenly a rumbling sound in his stomach appeared. He walked to the table and put some leftover soup in another plate.

"What the hell?! Ew!" Dragon Slayer spit the fluid back in the plate and rushed to wash out his mouth. He rubbed his palm against his mouth as if the disgusting taste was still in there.

The 'soup' tasted absolutely awful. It seemed like Natsu mistook the salt for sugar.

Luce ate this?! And she said it was good?


"Natsu? You're still here?" Blondes eyes opened slowly and spotted a dragon slayer leaning on the chair, half asleep.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He blurted.

"I just thought you would leave after you took care of me.."

"Do you want me to?" His eyes suddenly opened.

"No! I-I mean.." The boy only smirked at Lucy's reaction. He walked over to her bed and laid down next to her.

"What are you doing, if I may ask?"

"You may not." He joked and wrapped his arm around blondes waist. He was so tired, without him even realizing it.

You doofus, you should've gone home.. you really are something else...

Lucy smiled at the boy soundly sleeping underneath her and gave him a small kiss on the forehead.

You deserved your rest, Natsu.

Thank you...


it's so stressful in school this month like god damn! please pray for me to get a good grade on my upcoming history exam..

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have a nice day all of you! bye bye!

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