Together Forever

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"Natsu~ stop it.." Lucy breathed as Natsu continued kissing and sucking on her neck, giving her a lot of hickeys. Lucy didn't mind that part, but she was afraid of her father's reaction if he saw them.

"Don't wanna.." He wispered and inhaled her stawberry and vanila scent, oh, how he was addicted to everything about her.

"I-I'm serious, my dad'll kill me..!" She slightly yelled and gently pushed him off, earning a pout from him.

"When will you tell your dad about me? Are you embarrassed of me?" He questioned, making Lucy give him the 'are-you-serious' look.


"Of course I'm not embaresed of you, I love you and you know that.." She said, her cheeks turning pinkish.

"You what? I didn't hear you~" Natsu teased since he knew Lucy was embarrassed whenever she had to say it.

"I'm not gonna repeat myself," she addressed, turning her head on the side.

"C'mon Luce, pretty please..?" He yelped with puppy eyes.

"Ugh... I love you!" Blonde exclamed, bit louder then the previous time.

"I love you too!" He said with his childish grin and embraced her into his loving arms. But Lucy could feel something was wrong with him...


Natsu and Lucy were on their way to Lucy's house. She lived there with her father. Her mother, unfortunately, died some years back. She was a trully wonderfull woman and no one could say otherwise. Her death made a huge impact on Lucy, she didn't leave her room nor house for at least a month. She was constantly depressed, but who wouldn't be in her place? Poor girl went through that when she was only 15...

Natsu had a big role in getting her to be her old self again. He was there to give her comfort whenever she needed it. He took care of her and listened. Both of them share the most beautiful bond in opinion of many people.

"Are you hungry?" Natsu asked as they entered Lucy's house. The blonde shook her head slightly signing 'no'.

"Lucy!" Both of them shot their heads towards the sound, as they did, they saw a tall man with blonde beard and mustaches.

"D-Dad, why did you yell like that..?" His daughted asked him, earning a mean glare back.

"Where were you, young lady?" He questioned, glaring at Natsu.

"Just in school.."

"Who is this?" Another question he demaned to be answered.

"This is Natsu, he is, uh... my best friend," she started, seeing a weird look on Natsu's face with a corner of her eye, "we go in the same class and the same study group..." she finished.

"I see... so, you're here to study?"

"Yes, dad.."

"Fine then, I will not disturb you two." He exclaimed with his rough voice, turning around on his heels and walking away to his office.


"Did you notice how he glared at me the whole time?" Natsu commented, both entering Lucy's room.

"He didn't glare at you, you're overreacting.." the blonde said with a ressuring smile.

"Sure..." he sighed while looking away.

- 2 weeks later -

"I'm gonna take a shower Luce, be right back!" Natsu shouted from the bathroom door as Lucy was left sitting in Natsu's living room.

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