My Hero

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warning, this is a Graylu one shot. hope you'll like it since i wanted to try something different. and recently i'm not in Nalu mood so yeah.. enjoy
also, there's no Juvia here and Natsu is a bit out of character

"What the hell are you doing?!" A black haired man yelled at the girl in the bar. She had empty glasses surrounding her on a bar while she kept yelling at the waiter to give her more shots, the Ice mage looked worried at the same time as he held sympathy in his dark eyes.

"What do you want, Gray? I'm having fun! Leave me alooone!" Celestial mage groaned while she attempted to stand up and confront Gray but her legs were weak so she stumbled. Ice wizard was quick to catch her and put her arm around his shoulders.

He turned to the waiter and excused them both before leaving to his house.


"Damn it, Lucy.. what's gotten into you?" he looked at her as he had just tucked her in his bed. She passed out on the way so he Gray haven't had the chance to ask her any questions to simplify the reason on why she got drunk in the first place.

He was worried, yet interested.

The next morning blonde woke up all confused. She looked around and didn't quite recognize the household. Her gaze lowered and she noticed male shirt on her. Lucy started panicking and anxiously looking around to find her clothes.

"Don't worry, you're in my house.." someone said from the entrance to the room, Lucy looked up and noticed her good friend. As soon as she spotted him she sighed in relief.

"Gray... thank god..." she put an arm on her chest to ease her increased heartbeat.

"Can you talk? Or are you too tired, or maybe your head hurts, or you don't wanna talk about anything at all?" He jumped to conclusions as Lucy giggled.

"Thanks for the offer, but yeah, my head hurts a little..." she looked away in shame as some memories came to her from the last night.

"I can fix that," he said and sat next to her on bed. He lifted his hand and connected his palm to her forehead. Since he was an Ice mage it was his specialty to help someone with fever or headaches.

"Thank you, it feels nice.."

Lucy's body felt relaxed as she looked into Gray's eyes. They were the deep and dark color of blue. It looked like a stormy ocean.
Ice mages glance didn't part from Lucy's eyes either. To him they were the beautiful color of chocolate.

Both of them slowly leaned in as Gray's hand went from Stellar mages forehead to her cheek. Their eyes closed but before their lips could touch Gray moved away.

"I'm sorry, I can't take advantage of you like this..." he simply said.

Lucy's eyes widened for s split second, she could feel her heart skip a beat from Gray's thoughtful words. They warmed her heart.

She kindly smiled at him and kissed him on a cheek, making him slightly blush.

"Yesterday was a really hard day..."

"Tell me about it,"

- flashback -

"N-Natsu, can I t-talk to you... outside?" The blonde stuttered as the pink haired boy only watched her with puzzled expression.

"Is it important?"

"I don't know... It might be.."

"Fine then.." he said with crossed arms  as they walked away.

"S-So, I wanted to c-confess s-something..." Lucy struggled as she kept fidgeting with her fingers.

"Luce, you gotta hurry up, Lisanna's waiting for me.." he said. His words were so simple, yet they stil had strong enough impact to break a tiny peace of Lucy's heart.

"C-Can I know where you're going? It's okay if you say it's none of my business.."

"On a date."


"O-Oh.. o-okay... you should probably go then, I don't want her to want for you because if me. I'll just tell you some other t-time.." Lucy stuttered more while trying to suppress the tears who wanted to escape badly.

As Natsu casually walked away Lucy turned around and let her tears fall freely. She didn't want to go to her apartment so she just headed to the closest bar and decided to drink her sorrow away.

- flashback end -

"And that's pretty much all I remember before waking up in your bed.." she muttered and looked to see Gray's reaction.

He looked like he remembered something.

"Are you okay? You look down.." Lucy asked a but worried.

"Huh? Nah, I'm fine. I just remembered the very similar story that happened to me.." he smiled and wrapped his arm around Lucy's shoulders, bringing her closer to him.

"You can tell me, I'm interested!" She slightly yelled, then immediately after realized how insensitive it was so she quickly apologized.

"Well.. it happened around a year ago. I was becoming good friends with my crush and one day I decided it would be a good idea to ask her out. When I did, she looked at me blankly at the eyes and walked away, so we never spoke again.. that's the story in the nutshell." he sighed.

"That's terrible.. how could she be so cruel?" Lucy asked, not really expecting an answer.

"Natsu was a jerk to you as well, you don't deserve a dense idiot like him anyway." Gray commented and patted Lucy's head. She softly smiled as a memory of the last time he did to her the same gesture.

"You're a really good person, Gray..." she turned her head to him and was surprised to his eyes staring at her.

"Lucy... I know you still might love Natsu, and I know you are too good for me, but I promise I can take good care of you only if you let me. I won't do anything without your consent first, so.. would you mind if I kissed you?"

"I wouldn't," she said and locked their lips together.

They are kissing like crazy. Like their lives depend on it. His tongue slipped inside Lucy's mouth, it was gentle but demanding, and it was nothing like she ever experienced, and Lucy suddenly understood why people described kissing as melting because every square inch of her body dissolved into his. Her fingers grip his hair, pulling him closer. Her veins throbbed and her heart exploded. She has never wanted anyone like this before. Ever. Gray pushed Lucy backward and they were lying down, making out in the middle of the room with windows spread open, but Lucy didn't care about any of that. All she wanted was Gray. The weight of his body on top of hers was extraordinary. She feel him—all of him—pressed against her, and she inhaled his shampoo, and that extra scent that's just ... him. The most delicious smell she could ever imagine. His lips tasted like honey. He felt wonderful. His hands were everywhere, and it didn't matter that his mouth was already on top of hers, she wanted him closer, closer, and closer...

As they broke apart and stared at each others eyes for who knows what time already, they looked stunned by one another. Their faces were flustered, and they both desired to do stuff.



They said innocently before continuing sharing equal love that's yet to grow stronger.


yeaaah... i know some of the readers aren't gonna like this one, but honestly i don't really care. i think Graylu is better for each other than Nalu but that's just an opinion. like, Graylu is way more mature than Nalu you can't deny that.. but still, everyone is allowed to ship whoever they want..

newest chapter of 100 years quest just proves how immature Natsu is and it keeps disappointing me, i'm close to stop shipping them entirely.

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