I Always Want To Be By Your Side

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Okay guys, this is going to be a dark one shot (it will contain depression, cutting, mental health..), so if you're triggered by any of it please don't read it.

[Lucy's pov]
It happened 5 months ago.. I was going home from school, it was late at night because I had to be in dettention. On my way back i saw few guys standing next to the wall of the building. One of them had blonde hair, but darker than mine; other one had black hair and piercing on his eyebrow. I started to turn back and walk from where I came from, but as I took 2 steps, one of the guys had their hand on my wrist. I tried to snatch it away but his grip was so hard that it started to hurt and bruise.

"Let me go!" I yelled.
"I don't think so, blondie. You're going with me and my boy to have a little fun." He said with the most creepiest smile I have ever seen. I was terrified.
He took me somewhere in the back, it was dark; really dark...
"Strip!" He commanded.
"No, you creep!" I didn't want him to see how scared I was. He knocked me out and I fell on the bed.
I woke up in hospital. I didn't know how I got there or who brought me there.

I fell in a major depression after that, no one knew about this. Not even my best friend Natsu. He doesn't know I cut, bruise my arms, scratch, pull my hair when I'm crying in the middle of the night.. and I don't want him ever to find out either.

~~~~ PRESENT TIME ~~~~

I'm walking to school. I'm wearing long sleeved shirt and jeans.
"Hey Luce! What's up?" Natsu greeted me with a smile.
"Nothing much, how about you?" I answered.
"I wanted to tell you that I'm making a pool party, you should come!" My heart stopped when he said that. I can't let anyone see my scars or bruises..
"Sorry Natsu, I can't.. I have.. err.. work to do at home." I tried to make an excuse.
"Come on Luce, it will be fun."
"I said I can't!!" I yelled and ran away. I ran and ran, till my legs couldn't handle the pain. I tripped and fell, causing my ankle to break. I cried in pain. It hurt so bad, I could't stand.

[Natsu's pov]
"Lucy! Where are you?" I yelled with concern in my voice. Lucy just ran away when she yelled at me. I don't know why tho, but what I do know is that she is afraid of woods and dark places. I never really thought why.
"Lucy, I know you're here somewhere! Please come out. I didn't mean to upset you! I'm sorry, just come out." I was scared at this point, I heard Lucy's voice in distance. It sounded like she was hurt. Damn it! Where the hell is she, she needs help!
"Lucy!! I'm begging you answer me!" I was freaking out.
"I-I'm h-here.." I was so relived when I heard her voice. She was crying, I can see it on her face.
"Luce! Why did you run-" I cut myself off when i relized she didn't want to talk.
"We'll talk when we get you home.." I picked her up and gave her piggy back ride home.

[Lucy's pov]
I was silently crying the whole time on his back, not because of my ancle, not because of the scratches from when i fell.. it was because of pain in my heart. I felt so bad for yelling at him, it was my fault that he had to carry me home, everything was my fault; I had enough. I'm pretty pathetic right now, aren't I?

"Are you okay? Where does it hurts?" Natsu asked me when we got to my house.
"I'm fine." I said with a smal fake smile.
"You are not! Lucy, let me help you, now tell me where does it hurt.." He said with comforting voice.
"I broke my ankle.." I said, hidding my leg behind another.
"Let me see.." Natsu said. I showed him my ankle and it was bruised all over.

After he wraped it up, I felt better physically, but not emotionally.
"I'm sorry I yelled at you.." I said while looking away
"It's okay, but.. why?" He said and I froze.
"I.. uh.. w-well, I don't know.." I stuttered.
"Look Lucy.. I know something's up, so just tell me." Natsu said with worry while sitting across to me on my bed.
"I don't want to say.." I can't say it. Deffinetly not to him, I could never hurt him like that.
"Please tell me.. you have changed so much in past few months, you don't smile as much as you did before, you started to wear more long sleeved shirts and so much more.. I didn't want to say anything but I noticed and I'm really worried and I want to help you, Luce, I really do.." He said and I could feel that he was honest.
"If I tell you, will you judge me?" I asked.
"Of course not!" He said immediately.
"I'm scared of your reaction, I-I can't, I'm sorry" I started tearing up and Natsu saw it.
"Luce, whatever you have to say, I will always be by your side, I will always support you and I will never judge you.." Natsu said and hugged me, I didn't want him to, it only caused me to cry harder. I screamed, I was shaking, I hated myself more because I didn't want to be seen like this.
"It's okay, I'm here and I'm not planning on leaving you." Natsu said and rubbed my back to make me feel better and it kinda helped.
"I-I-I w-was r-r-raped 5 months a-ago.." I managed to say through my cry.

[Natsu's pov]
I was speachless, shocked.. i just stopped with everything I was doing. Lucy looked at me, but I was staring at nothing. Anger was boiling inside of me, I wanted to punch something and in the same time I wanted to cry. Why she never talked to me, why wasn't I there to help her, just WHY..? I held her so tight, like she was my lifeline. I wanted to comfort her or something, anything to make her feel better, to forgive me for not being there for her, for being such an asshole and not noticing how not okay she was.
"I'm s-so s-sorry, Lucy.." I started to cry along with her.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there with you to help you, to beat that asshole into pulp, to fucking kill him for touching you!! Please forgive me Lucy, I-I'm begging you!!" I cried harder holding onto her.
"No, Natsu, It's not your fault! Please stop crying! It's in the past and it won't happen ever again. I'm sorry you had to find out about all of this.."
"All... of this? Is there something else, Luce?"
"W-Well, I.. um.." she said and rolled her sleeves up. I saw the scars, the bruises and the scratches. It was a mess, but I still saw her as the same person.
I embraced her as hard as I could.

We stayed like that for some time..

"Honestly, I can't relate to what you are going through, but I want to help you, Lucy. We will get through this together, of course if you want." I said and let her go, she too sat up.
"I want your help, but I just ask not to push it, okay?" Lucy said, kinda relaxed.
"I won't push, I swear, but I want to confess something...
Lucy, I always admired you, now I do even more, you are beutiful, so strong and most precious person in my life. I hope I can earn enough of your trust to tell me everything that's bothering you without any hesitation, well what I'm trying to say is-"
"I love you too.." Lucy finished.
"You do?"
"Yes." I was so happy, I promise to never let you suffer alone, and one day I will find the bastard who layed a finger on my Luce!


Well it took me the whole day to write this... I think I could meke a series out of this, but I don't know.. should I?
I really hope you liked it. I gave it my all ❤️
You can always write the requests in coments.
See ya guys in another one shot! ❤️

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