3.First touch

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I am shocked. I never met them and my dad introduced her as his sister. He never told me he has a sister. And now here they are, in my home. I forced a smile on my face and went to meet her and the person next to her who I assume to be her husband. I gave my hellos and turned to go to my room as I have to digest this.

I turned around and stood at the entrance of the stairs thinking about this weird family meeting. I climbed the stairs without seeing the front which made me collide into something. I was about to fall when one unknown hand got hold of my hand and that person's other hand got hold of my waist. That mysterious person dragged me with a force. Now I am in someone's arms with one hand around my waist and one holding back of my hair.

I am jarred by this sudden encounter. I heard people talking from downstairs and my dad calling my name to check whether I was fine or not. I smelled an intoxicating scent which is too good. I kept smelling that scent without having any intention to move or leave. Those hard and well-built arms held me tight to his chest.

I opened my eyes and lifted my head to see the face of the Mysterious person whose hand is still caressing my waist. I am not at all bothered to remove it any time soon. I saw a pair of brown beautiful eyes staring into my blue ones with a trace of a small smile forming on his amazing lips. Then I heard his voice. "Hi. You okay?". I didn't respond and was still looking into his eyes and then his hand left my waist and I somehow felt bad for that.

He stepped up one stair maintaining a safe one-step distance between us. The tall man ran his fingers through his gorgeous silky black hair. Then I heard my dad calling from down ."Princess, You are okay right?" I turned back and went down as fast as my dazed legs allowed me and stood beside my dad with my eyes staring down. My stupid eyes kept checking that handsome man whom I have allowed to touch me in that way for the first time in my life.Yeah, it's true. I never had a boyfriend and I never felt this way with any of the boys whom I met in these past 21 years. I turned to my dad as he was asking if I am okay and then I replied him I was fine ... Lakshmi came and took my bag and gave me a glass of water. I drank the whole glass as if my life depended on it. Once done, I noticed that my savior is sitting opposite to me beside the lady whom my dad introduced as his sister.

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