39.First Chat

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I went to my bed and tried to sleep but didn't get any sleep as my mind is full of so many thoughts right now.I have never spoken with any one for this much time and I was shocked that I didn't hate this nice cute little chat with him.

I rolled on bed for some time and after like some 20 minutes I got sleep.When I thought that finally I am getting good night sleep I was startled and woke up by the sound of my phone.God.I hate my life.I slowly opened my eyes closing my ears with pillow.

I removed the pillow slowly grabbing my phone and keeping that demon in silent mode.I turned to see that Kavya already left the room and I am little bit happy as my phone didn't disturb her goodnight sleep.

I checked the display of my phone and it is Vikky.I picked the call slowly turning myself into comfortable position."Good morning princess" I heard from the other side of phone in a cool way.

"Hi.Good morning" I replied in a husky voice because of my morning breath and voice.

"Get up princess.You will be late for college.Go and get ready princess." He said in a caring manner.

I chuckled a little because of his care and I said "Yeah getting ready dad."I smiled while telling that.

I didn't listen any voice from the other side for some time and then I spoke as there is no response from him.

"HELLOOO.There?" I asked and he responded with a plain hmm.I felt like something was off and then I didn't try to pester him more.

I asked "All good?" He told "Yeah Princess.All fine.I think I am missing you a bit.Thats it."

I smiled and then stopping me from saying that I miss him too which is a fact as I know that I do miss him a bit.

"Hmm.Okay I will get ready then."Telling so I got up and got ready wearing the dress which Vikky had already kept in the cupboard mentioning the date on the paper that is attached to that.

"Telling so I got up and got ready wearing the dress which Vikky had already kept in the cupboard mentioning the date on the paper that is attached to that

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I thought of applying heavy makeup as I am feeling low because of lack of sleep and yeah for the fact that I was feeling lonely.

After I got ready I was about to go down for breakfast when I heard my phone ringing I checked and it is a message from Mr Stranger.I smiled and opened that to see "Hi Princess.I want to see how you are looking in that dress.Can I see a picture of you in that dress.?"

I was shocked by that statement.I do know that he care for me but the period which we were together is very less and I felt like this is something more than the normal friendship stuff which he is talking about.I clicked a picture of myself in mirror and sent him that immediately.

Without waiting for the reply I went down and greeted aunt,uncle and Kavya and then sat for breakfast beside Kavya.After eating breakfast I started to college along with kavya and uncle told that he will drop both of us in our colleges.

After sitting in car in back seat I checked my phone expecting a reply for my picture message.He sent "Looking Gorgeous princess.Wish I was there to see how that dress fitted you so well."

I smiled a bit grasping Kavya's attention who turned towards me and with a wide smile on her face she said "Wow.Whose message is that Bhabi.Romance and all with bhayya in phone?.You guys are too cute."

I was taken aback at once but unknowingly I started blushing a little because of her words.Still maintaining a little anger in my face I told her "Nothing like that.Shut up and turn that side."

She smiled immediately and without giving me a chance to react she took my phone from my hand and read the message.I struggled and dragged that from her but it's too late.Already damage was done.She read that message.

She started imitating her brother by stressing that Gorgeous word many times and I started to whine because of her repeated teasings.After some time she stopped that because uncle scolded her.

I smiled a little seeing her poutted lips and then we reached our college.I went inside and met Preethi.After continuous classes for 3 hours we got break for lunch.

Then we met Avinash and Siddu and we talked for some time.I have been with my phone more as I started chatting with Vikranth from morning.We were not chatting continuously but we have been exchanging messages for every 20 minutes.

I guess it's okay to chat with friends.This is what I told myself.

Preethi asked me about Vikranth once both the guys left us alone.I said that he is out of town and she didn't bother asking where he left and the reason behind that.

She said suddenly changing the tone of her voice "Meghna right?The name of the girl who came along with you guys in your car?"

I was shocked by her question.Why is she asking about Meghna out of the blue.Still I maintained my calm and replied "Yeah."

She told "hmm." Then she turned little close to me and turning her face towards me and giving me full attention she told "You think something is off with that girl?"

I didn't get what she is asking and in which direction her question is targeted.I just gave her a question mark face and she continued without waiting for my reply.

"Its about Vikranth.I guess she is interested in him." She told keeping her voice as low as possible and I just opened my eyes wide.

"Why did you feel that way?" I asked trying to make her feel like it was not affecting me at all.

"The way she is seeing him and the fuss she made when you both went missing that trip night." She told and this time her eyes were locked on my face and she was trying to get the meaning of my expression.

I just tried to act normal and when I was able to turn her attention from me to other side of canteen I said "I don't think Vikranth feels the same way as her.I don't know what Meghna is trying to do but he was not interested in her as far as I know about him."

She again shifted her attention towards me and asked with concern all over her face "And the reason behind that attitude towards Meghna is you?"

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