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After staying in his arms for sometime I broke our hug.Once I moved little away from him I got chills all over my body.It was because of the cool and chilling breeze that is making my body shiver.May be I missed the warmness that I have experienced a few minutes before when I was in his arms tightly secured by his hands that were wrapped tightly around my back pulling me more closely.I chuckled for that remembrance of that marvelous feeling.I rubbed my hands one over other such that I can feel some warmness.

He noticed my struggle and smiled a little.He said "I will be right back Princess.Wait here only okay?" I nodded and he ran downstairs.I was left alone on my favorite place but still I missed him.Even that is for a small amount of time and I know that he will be back in no time I still missed him.I was literally going crazy.How can I miss this person so much?How he can change my mood this much?Even though I was angry and disappointed because of him still I will always find happiness with him only.I do miss my dad.If Vikranth was not there with me now I am sure I will be inside my room wrapping myself with blanket and weeping to my heart's content.

I turned around when I heard footsteps behind me.I saw Vikranth holding blanket and few things and handing me the shawl that he brought for me he started making arrangements with the remaining blankets and pillows such that we can sit and watch this beautiful sight that is in front of us.I was impressed by his effort. After completing whatever he was doing he came near me.I smiled and said "Wow.Impressive.But I have one doubt.You told that Bhavs told you about this place and according to your statement before.Do you what something from me?"

I was teasing him actually.He smiled a bit and came really close to me and holding my hand he said "Actually this is for the second line of my statement.She told me that whenever I made you feel sad I should bring you here.And you yourself told me during dinner that I have made you sad and cry right?Then I thought why not try that now.And I thought this will make your mind and heart away from your dad's state as well."

I can not help but blush for his concern.He smiled immediately and said "I want to make you blush like this forever." He announced as he pulled me a little closer such that I can feel his breath on me and he was looking very intently making me blush more.Seeing my reaction,he hugged me tighter than before and kissed the top of my head.I lost all track of time,we could have stayed like that for seconds,minutes or hours but I wouldn't know because I was way too dragged away by his love towards me.

Wait,What?Did I just use the word love when I was explaining his feelings towards me.No he don't love me.He was trying to make me feel good and happy but he loves meghna. He doesn't love me.When I can feel his hands that are hugging me go tight I too gripped my hands around him.Then we broke our hug and I saw directly into his eyes trying to calculate the equation between us.He smiled a little and he moved his one hand that was holding my waist till now and brought that towards my face.

He pulled one strand of hair that was falling on my face because of the cool and fast breeze that was coming as we were standing on the terrace and placed that strand of hair below my ear.I blushed again.God this is the first time I am blushing these many times in one single day.He is driving me crazy.We didn't unlock our eyes that were continuously trying to find the secrets in each other's eyes.He moved both of his hands and placed them on either side of my face as if he is cupping my face.

The cool breeze is making my hands and foot shiver a little and his warm breath that was coming in a rhythmic way is making that cool felling go away replacing that with his warmness.His eyes shifted from my eyes and landed on my lips.He stared at my lips for sometime and that made me bite my bottom lip with shy.He removed his hand that was cupping my face and drew a sweet line with his finger along my side of cheek.I closed my eyes because of that sensation that his finger is causing to me.I felt his finger move from my cheek to my lower lip.When I felt his finger near my lip my eyes opened automatically.He smiled and removed my lip from under my teeth as I was biting that lip like crazy.

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