35.My date

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After some time our car stopped and we were in front of a resort. He got down the car and came to my side opening the door and holding the door for me to get down. Truly speaking I was moved by that gesture.

I got down and we went inside the resort and he asked me to sit on one sofa. He went to the receptionist and talked with her for some time. They both were smiling while talking and for some odd reason, I felt irked by that.

He came back to me and said "Come let's go." I got up and when I started to go inside the resort he moved in the exact opposite direction. I was shocked and turned in his direction and he said "Let's go shopping princess. We can't enjoy ourselves in these dresses."

I nodded and followed him back to the car and in some 30 minutes, we stopped in front of a mall. We went inside and he took some dresses for him and I stood by his side. I nodded saying yes to whatever dress he picked. At last, he understood that I was not interested in selecting a dress so he selected dresses for me as well.

He handed me a dress and asked me to change into that. I did as he asked. When I changed into that dress and applied makeup which I had in my handbag, I looked good actually.

 When I changed into that dress and applied makeup which I had in my handbag, I looked good actually

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It was a simple blue and white check dress and I looked cool in that dress. I left my hair loose and my sandals from morning are matching. God his selection is too good and by that thought my thoughts wavered to Meghna who is also his selection.

I immediately came out of that trance when I heard knocks out of the trial room. When I came out he was also dressed in casuals and waiting for me outside.

 When I came out he was also dressed in casuals and waiting for me outside

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Seeing me he said "Looking pretty Princess. I don't know how but you look good in all dresses."

I blushed at that compliment and I told "You too."For some time I forgot that we both were fighting. We went outside and he paid the bill for our dresses and then he turned towards me and said "Princess. We will go for some movie?"

I turned to face him and said "You have paid for the resort right? And now the movie means when will we go to the resort?" I don't know why I asked that. I think I want us to go to the resort and feel that breeze and beach effect.

He smiled and opened the car door for me. After coming to the driving seat he turned towards me and said "So we will spend time in the resort today? We will go and have lunch first and then go back to the resort."

I nodded yes and we went to a restaurant. It's good. I came to like all the places and all the dresses that he is picking for me. We sat opposite each other and I smiled a little. He ordered the food that we were supposed to order and looked at me.

He returned my smile and said "So? You want to ask anything?" My smile faded as soon as he asked that

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He returned my smile and said "So? You want to ask anything?" My smile faded as soon as he asked that. He wants me to ask something. Pissed by his question I just rolled my eyes and he chuckled a little because of my action.

"Princess. I already told you that we will try to be friends. And seriously I am trying my level best for that. As far as Meghna is involved you have nothing to be worried about. We have been working in the same hospital for 5 years. And 3 years back she proposed to me."He said and stopped as I opened my eyes wide.

What did he just say? Were they working in the same hospital? That means he will see her daily and here I am getting worried about one silly trip. They were in a relationship for 3 years and he married me. And he will still see her daily as they will meet in the hospital for sure even as colleagues.

He continued "Princess all okay?" I laughed a little and he could see the weird annoyance in my laugh.

I folded my hands in front of my chest and leaning back on the chair I said "3 years? And you are saying there is nothing to worry about. You will see her daily in the hospital even if that is as part of your work. That is sure something for which I should worry.!"

He was about to say something but our order came and we started eating without talking for some time. Once we completed our food I went to the restroom and by the time I came back he paid.

I went directly to the car and he followed me with his head bent low. This time I didn't allow him to open my car door and I did that myself.

I sat in my seat and he came and sat beside me. We went to the resort and we checked into our room. We kept the bags that we bought on the table. When I was about to go towards the balcony he held my wrist and pulled me towards him.

We were so close to each other that I could feel his breath on my face. I moved a little back and stopped as my back touched the wall. He kept one of his hands on top of the wall to my right side and with the other hand he held my wrist with which he dragged me.

 He kept one of his hands on top of the wall to my right side and with the other hand he held my wrist with which he dragged me

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I was not able to open my mouth as I was amazed by this closeness and he said looking deeply into my eyes "Princess. Being friends with you is very difficult. You know that?"

I was shocked. What did he mean by that? This intimate position and he is telling me that he cannot be friends with me. Does that mean he wants me to behave like his wife?

When I thought of reacting he said "Whenever I want to say something friendly you will not listen. You will never try to clear those misunderstandings. See now, how you made me hold you like a culprit?"

My heart relaxed a bit. He doesn't mean that way I thought. But wait. Why did I think in that way? I don't want us to behave like wife and husband but still one sentence from him and I was thinking weird things. Does that mean I want us to be more than friends?

I snapped back from my thoughts as he tightened his grip on my wrist. "Princess let me be straight. I don't want us to behave like enemies. Can we forget all those things and start afresh as friends?"

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