36.Can I come with you?

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Okay, so all this fight came to the conclusion that we should try being friends. I thought about that for some time. The problem will be there when I think of him as my husband only. So if I think of him as my friend then his relationship with Meghna should not be a problem for me.

I nodded yes and he left my hand and moved back maintaining a safe distance between us. He went back and sat on the bed and I went and sat beside him.

He folded his legs and turning towards me told "So. We are fine now. We are not at all bothered by our past and have started a new life as friends. Okay?"

I brought both of my hands into my lap and nodded yes. He smiled and getting up from bed told "Come princess. Let's explore this resort." He held his hand forward asking me to hold that.

I took his hand and wearing my sandals which I left as soon as I entered the room followed him to the garden.

I took his hand and wearing my sandals which I left as soon as I entered the room followed him to the garden

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It was a beautiful scenario. I went and sat in one cushion and he came and sat beside me. We ordered some food like snacks and cool music was playing in the background. I enjoyed the atmosphere and the music in the background added flavour to that.

Suddenly Vikky got from the seat and went aside holding his phone. I didn't see when he came back until I felt a hand on the top of my hand. I turned to face him and he said "Princess. We have to go home. This call is from the hospital and I have to go to Mumbai. It's urgent."

I felt the urgency in his voice and his face was pale. I could feel the urgency and I immediately nodded yes. He stood without leaving my hand. We went to our room and taking the bag in one hand we went to the car still my hand in his hand.

He kept the bag in the back seat and opened the door to my seat and then left my hand and guided me to sit he went to his side. During the entire travel, he was silent. His expression was very serious and I didn't feel like disturbing him.

Once we reached home he asked me to go to our room and he went to his parent's room. I followed as he said and I was waiting for him in my room. He came after some 20 minutes and I stood as soon as I saw him.

He smiled a little and I can say that is a forced smile. I didn't respond to that smile and instead opened my mouth and said "Anything serious? You are acting weird actually."

He started packing his bags and replied without turning to my side "No princess. I am fine. Everything will be fine."

I can feel the shiver in his words. I moved towards him and kept my hand on his shoulder. He turned back and I asked "Your voice is shaking Vikranth. What happened?"

He took my hand into his and with a forced smile that curled up his lips said "Everything will be alright princess. My patient is not well and he is in serious condition. Being a doctor and his well-wisher I was not able to do anything."

I can sense the sadness in his voice. I sat on my knees a little, held his face in my hands for some time, and said "I can understand how you are feeling. My dad used to feel sad sometimes thinking the same. Being a doctor he was not able to save my mom. Even doctors are human beings, right? You people are not gods. I will pray for your friend. Don't worry please."

He moved a little, held my waist, and kept his head on my lap. I jerked back a little at this sudden posture but stabilized. I started moving my fingers in his hair in a smooth and concerned way.

 I started moving my fingers in his hair in a smooth and concerned way

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While stroking his hair I let him rest his head in my lap. His hands were tightly folded around my waist I said "Can I come with you? I don't want you to go alone when you are this much worried."

He lifted his head but his hands were still around my waist. He replied "You don't know how much I want you to come with me, princess. But I can't take you now. I will be busy there and I can't spend time with you. I will take you once the situation gets stabilized. Okay?"

I nodded and he got up from there. He lifted his bag which was lying on the floor and went outside of the room. I followed him silently.

Once we went near the car Uncle said that he would drop him at the airport. Kavya insisted that she would go along to give the send-off. I turned to Vikky and when no one was looking I asked "Can I come to the airport?"

He smiled and keeping his bag in the car he turned towards me and asked with a slight grin on "You want to come?"

I nodded and he opened the back door and signaled me asking me to get into the car. I was happy but a little sad as he wanted me to sit back when I thought I could sit with him in front. I didn't say anything but simply sat in the back seat. I saw that he opened the back seat's other side door and sat beside me.

Uncle was driving the car and Kavya was sitting at the front beside her dad. I am sitting at the back beside my friend cum husband. From the moment the car started he was busy with his phone and after some time I felt his gaze on me.

I turned to look at him. He said "You will be okay right? It might take some days for me to return."

I nodded and replied "Kavya will be there right? I will go to college with her and will come back with Preethi or Avinash. I can manage. Don't worry."

He smiled and said with a smile forming on his lips "So friends right?"

I smiled back and nodded and I can still say from his expression, that he was not fine. From the moment he got that phone call, he was worried. Maybe the other person who is not feeling well is very close to him. But still, I can sense the sadness on his face even though he is trying to smile and prove to me that he is fine.

 But still, I can sense the sadness on his face even though he is trying to smile and prove to me that he is fine

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