13.Smile on my face

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After going to my room, I asked bhavs to bring me lunch. She left me alone, to bring lunch, and meanwhile, I thought of what happened before, and as a girl's instinct can catch each and every little thing, I am sure that something is not correct between Vikky and Meghna.

Bhavs opened the door and brought me lunch and sat beside me. I started eating and when I almost completed my lunch, I turned and noticed that bhavs was staring at me intently.

"What?" I asked without looking directly at her.

"Nothing. Just like that " she answered.

I have known Bhavana for almost 10 years and she is my best friend for 5 years. I can sense when something is wrong with her.

I stopped eating and shifted to face her and asked "No. I think there is something you want to talk about. It's fine. You know that you can tell me anything ."

"That girl. Meghana... I guess something is bad with her " she told, looking deeply into my eyes.

I was surprised. She noticed that too? But I didn't give her a hint, that I am also thinking the same and told "What's wrong with her? I liked her. She is pretty and she talked with me first and she is pleasant."

"Seriously? You didn't think that ...hmm... I mean something is off between her and.." she stopped and stared intently at me. I know what she is trying to convey.

"What?" I sighed and turned away.

"Come on. You know whom I was talking about ." She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah I know whom you are talking about and he will be my husband in one day, so stop imagining things and stop rubbing them on me as well," I told angrily and ate the last piece of my pulka.

She was stunned. She opened her mouth and was looking at my face as if I had killed someone in front of her. Yeah, I told her that he will be my husband and that's true. I know whatever she is trying to say is somewhat true and I also felt the same when I saw them at first. But for some reason, I didn't like bhavs talking about him like that in front of me.

I turned to her and saw that she is still staring at my face with an open mouth with amusement. Then I waved my hand in front of her eyes disturbing her gaze and told " If you are done with your gossip, help me pack my bags. I have to pack everything as I will leave this place as soon as my marriage thing gets finished".

She nodded and helped me for the same. I changed into my nightwear and started working. It took us 3 hours to pack each and everything that is mine and we were completely exhausted by the end. When we were about to fall on the bed to get some rest, we heard a knock on my door and I saw Vikranth standing there witnessing the messed up room.

 When we were about to fall on the bed to get some rest, we heard a knock on my door and I saw Vikranth standing there witnessing the messed up room

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I got up from bed and covered myself with a dupatta as I am in my nightwear. Bhavs told that she has some work and went downstairs. I moved everything that was in the way and offered him to come inside. He came and sat on the bed facing me while I was standing opposite him.

There was silence in the room for some 10 minutes and then he spoke " Are you alright?" I just gave him a question mark look.

He understood and continued " Our marriage is tomorrow. The next morning, we have our flight and we will fly to Delhi. You are okay with all of that?"

I nodded. His face shrank. Is he expecting my answer to be no?

"Okay. I just thought of checking whether you are fine with all of this. That's it." He told and got up from my bed and started walking out. He came to ask me whether I was alright?!

" Don't worry. " He told abruptly. I turned back to face him. He is facing the door and I can see just his back but I can hear what he is saying clearly. " Meghana ..." He told and paused and turned to look at me. I was startled by that name and lifted my head to see him. He was looking straight into my eyes. " She is a nice girl. She is my best friend and we sort of had a close relationship. As you know I also came to know about this marriage after coming here. She was not able to process this whole thing. She needs some time. That's it. Don't worry. I will handle her. " He told and touched my hair that is now falling on my cheek. He took that strand of hair and tucked that behind my ear.

I was dazed by that sudden contact and looked into his eyes which are now looking for a reaction

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I was dazed by that sudden contact and looked into his eyes which are now looking for a reaction. I curved my lips slightly above and nodded yes.
He smiled, took his hand away from my face, and walked outside the door closing the door behind, leaving me standing in the room with a blank mind trying to process what happened just now.

Damn this man is making my life a hell. But sweet hell. I blushed at that thought unknowingly and for the first time this week, I went to bed with a smile on my face.

 I blushed at that thought unknowingly and for the first time this week, I went to bed with a smile on my face

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