40.My discussion

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I saw her face without saying anything in reply for some time and then reacted "What do you mean by that?"

"Everything Amy.That night you both were missing for some time.I was drunk the night you guys came back but by the time I was in senses you guys were clearly missing from the rest of us." She said and her voice was stern and serious.

I didn't respond to her then she continued "You were blushing while you are chatting and when you are seeing your phone Amy.And I guess that person with whom you are chatting is Vikranth.Am I right?"

I nodded saying yes and when she was about to speak I interrupted her and said "This has nothing to do with me Preethi.We are friends.Actually we are trying to be friends.He is away from us and as I will be alone we guys are chatting and that too it was like one message in one half an hour."

She just smiled not buying my statement and I continued "And as far as Meghna is concerned I am not sure what the reason is but he is not interested about her and I don't feel like asking him the reason behind this."

She just nodded and from there we went to library.Even though my books are in front my eyes and I am trying to read them my mind is not in my control any more.

I don't feel that the things which I told Preethi are true in any sense.The first part in which I told her that we are trying to be friends I am partly convinced with that.But about Meghna I was wrong.

I told her that I am not the reason for his rejection towards Meghna but in reality I am the only reason for their break up and their sudden change of plans of getting married.

I didn't feel good thinking about that.When Preethi asked me whether I was the reason for his behaviour towards Meghna I was awestruck because yeah I am the reason for that.I didn't like that thought actually.

I felt like I have divided two people who might have a great and lovely future if I didn't come in middle of their way.But wait I am not the one who came in middle.They came to my house with that marriage proposal and I was dragged in between them.

So ideally I shouldn't feel bad about them right?When I was busy with those thoughts my phone vibrated and it was Vikranth's message.I remembered the words which Preethi told now.I was blushing while chatting with him?Why?

I ignored that mixed feeling and I checked his message.I replied to that and kept my phone in silent and went to attend my class which is going to start in 20 minutes.That class went for 45 minutes and then we came out to ground.

I removed my phone from my bag and changed the mode from silent to general mode and I got a call immediately.I lifted that call ignoring questioning stare from Preethi.Its Vikranth.

"Hello princess."He said with a little firm voice and I can hear a lot of traffic sounds around him.

"Hi" I responded.

"Busy?You didn't reply to my messages and didn't reply to my calls either.I got worried a little bit." I can clearly sense his worry through his streaming words without a pause.

"Yeah I am in middle of class actually.Thats why I kept my phone in silent mode.Sorry for that."I apologised genuinely not knowing the reason behind my apology.

I checked my phone and there are really so many messages and missed calls there.I felt little disturbed by the way he is caring about me.

"It's okay princess.I just got little worried that's it.No issues.Classes completed?" He asked trying to change the topic.

"Yeah just now." I replied coping with the new topic.

"Hmm..I will call dad now and he will pick you up in some time.Okay?" He asked and I was again moved by his concern.

"No.Dont bother him.I will ask Avinash or Siddu to drop me." I replied and I know that he will not let me do that.

I thought of changing the topic so that he will forget that dropping part for a while.I have been thinking from the moment he called me to talk with him about my discussion with Preethi today.

Slowly shifting my phone from one hand to other I told "Actually I need to talk with you about something else.Are you free right now?" I asked and I went little away from Preethi.Now she is busy with Siddu and Avinash actually.

He replied "Yeah princess.Shoot."

I sighed a little and said "Preethi asked me about your relationship with Meghna today.She sensed that Meghna is interested in you.And she also asked me indirectly if something is going on between us."

After telling him what happened I felt little relieved actually.I know that whatever she asked is true and she is my close friend and I have been telling lies and hiding things from her which I should not do ideally.

He replied "Okay.And what did you say about that in reply?"

"I lied.I lied saying that you don't have anything to do with Meghna and there is nothing going on between us and we are just trying to be friends."I told and then felt taken back by my own words now.

It's not a lie.We are really trying to be friends actually.So why did I sound like I have told lies to Preethi about that.

He said "Hmm.Fine if you are not comfortable with that and if you trust her that she won't reveal anything you can tell her the whole story.That way you won't feel like you are lying to your friend."

I just sighed and told "Hmm.For now I don't feel like telling anything.I will think about that and will decide."

He laughed a bit and said "Whatever you do or plan to do I will be always with you Princess.Got it?"

I smiled and replied "Yeah.Thank you so much for that." I thought of changing the topic and said "How is your friend now?And when are you planning to come back?"

He sighed a little and replied "He is still going on with his treatment.I will be back once his first therapy session gets completed.He needs me princess.I can't leave him alone in this state."

I replied "Yeah.I got it.Take care and just trust me.I feel like he will be alright because of the concern you are showing towards him.And I will be waiting."

I don't know why I said that last line but I felt like I mean it.I do miss him.He is the only person who can be with me and understand me after my dad.And I came to Delhi seeing and trusting him.So it's normal to miss him.I said to my self.

"Sure princess and trust me I want to come back as soon as possible.Take care till then and yeah don't scold me,I messaged dad and he is on his way.He will pick you up in 10 mins."he said smiling a little.

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