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When I went down I saw everyone busy with so many things which might be for my marriage. I saw dad talking on the phone. When he saw me he came near me and kissed my forehead. My aunt asked where we are going and when my future Hubby told the details she took the car keys from dad and gave him. We are about to go out but when I heard a girl scream. I thought of turning back to see what that was when I found a pair of hands clasping my neck and pleading to take her with us.

Its Kavya. My future sis-in-law. I turned to look at Vikranth who nodded in agreement and Me, kavya, and Mr. Stranger started towards my car. When we reached there I opened the back door to enter but Kavya stopped me "Bhabhi, Why are you sitting back. Sit with Bhayya na. I will sit backside. "And gladly she pushed me to the front forcing me to enter the front seat. I sighed and sat there. I was about to take my seat belt when I accidentally touched his hand that is fastening his seat belt. I raised my head to see his face and noticed that he is also watching me. He smiled. I returned my head front and left the seat belt unattended.

He took my seat belt and handed it to me. I looked at his hands and then at his face. He is smiling. I took that seat belt trying not to touch his fingers and fastened it without moving my eyes. I set GPS to my college and we started. Throughout the journey, Kavya was talking non-stop. Her brother is replying to her sometimes in words and sometimes in signs. When we reached college we went to meet the Principal. Vikranth who was a doctor like my dad, gave his introduction and they started talking.

Kavya insisted on taking her around my college which I did. Showing her my college I silently stored each memory with this sweet college and friends. I am going to miss this college and friends so much. When I was thinking all the stuff about the past 4 days I heard Kavya calling me "Bhabhi, Bro called us. Your transfer process is complete it seems. Come let's leave. He is waiting in the car." Even though this is my college and I should be the one to show the route I followed her instead.

We started home. Kavya insisted on having lunch outside. He turned to me and asked if I was fine. As usual, I nodded saying Yes. He set GPS to the best restaurants nearby and we went to Krithunga restaurant which is famous in Bangalore. We got down the car and he parked it and we three went inside. We found places to sit and a waiter came with a menu. As soon as he came Kavya, who was sitting beside me took the menu from him and ordered some dishes.

Vikranth, who was sitting opposite me and Kavya, asked me if I want anything else. I shook my head in response and he smiled. Full lunch is silent apart from Kavya's mumbling from time to time or else he was on his phone and I was looking into my mobile. We finished this lunch and we went home. As soon as we reached it I went to my room without meeting or looking at anyone. When I reached, I saw Bhavs talking on the phone. As soon as she saw me she smiled and ended her call. I went inside and closed the door and started changing into my regular home clothes.

Bhavana spoke "How was your day dear? You enjoyed your time with him?" She smiled after asking me this. I did not turn or look at her and went to the washroom, washed my face, came back after changing my clothes. "Hello! I am asking you something. Respond na "She asked after pulling me to bed and making me sit beside her. I looked into her eyes and when she saw tears welling up in my eyes, the smile which was dancing on her face till now, faded away and she hugged me tightly. I didn't hold back my tears this time.

I cried and cried till my best friend's clothes got drenched with my tears. I got away from her and wiped both mine and her tears and started laughing all of a sudden. She got shocked and asked me in panic " Why are you laughing? Have you gone mad?" I smiled again and hugged her once. I got up from there and went to my side of the bed and slept. She laid a blanket on me and closed the door behind after leaving me in the room to sleep. Slowly tears started rolling from the edge of my eyes but this time I slept with those tears making marks on my cheeks and pillow.

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