23.Mr Sexy

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After talking for some time he asked "So..You have decided to maintain this marriage a secret I guess". I looked at him trying to interpret the expression on his face.

He chuckled and said "It's good. You should enjoy your college life too."

I smiled in return and we went down to sit with my dad and his parents. We stayed there for some time and had dinner and then came upstairs to sleep.

I went into the washroom to freshen up. I saw a new dress inside a cover on my bed and my dear husband sitting on the other side of the bed when I came out.

I took that dress out from the cover and to my shock, it is a western wear dress.

I took that dress out from the cover and to my shock, it is a western wear dress

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"Liked it?" I turned to face him when I heard his voice. "It's not like you should wear that dress or something. But if you want to wear western wear you can. I bought a few dresses and kept them in that side of the cupboard."

I turned to look at the cupboard. There are so many dresses. I turned back to face him again.

"As I have to choose the dress for you every day I should know if you like to wear western wear or not right?"

I came to the bedside and responded"Morning I didn't know what to say when I saw that letter. But no need of doing that. I will manage."

I did not look at his face when I told those words. He got up and came near me and my heartbeat immediately increased."It's not like I have to do that or something. I liked that. I don't have any problem selecting the dress for you. In fact, I am enjoying it."

I smiled and replied "Okay. Actually, I never wore western wear before and I don't have a reason for that. I have no problem in wearing those dresses if you and aunty are okay with that."

He smiled and told "Mom will never have a problem with these petty things. You are her brother's daughter. Do you know how much she loves and misses him? So Relax. You are going to have a great time here."

He smiled taking the cover in my hand to keep in the cupboard. I smiled at his simple consideration and went to sleep on my side of the bed.

My new friend looked surprised and coming towards me he questioned "What? You are going to sleep already? Time is 10 only"

Opening my closed eyes and staring at him I managed to ask "What am I supposed to do other than sleeping?"

He laughed "You can watch TV with me," he announced switching on the TV without waiting for my answer.

I smiled and got up getting ready to watch TV along with him.

"If you want you can watch lying down as well. I guess you know that right?" He winked at me. We both sat in bed and started watching TV for an hour and my eyes closed without my knowledge. I felt him when he held my shoulder. He made me sleep comfortably and tucked me in a bedsheet.

My heart fluttered thinking about all this care and attention, I am getting from an absolute stranger who is my husband now.

In the middle of the night, I felt some tangling with my fingers and when I tried to move I am not able to as my body was surrounded by some presence.

I can feel his sweet and hot breath touching my face. I recognized the body scent which I liked from the moment I met him. I tried to open my eyes without moving so as not to disturb his sleep.

 I tried to open my eyes without moving so as not to disturb his sleep

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Even though this intimacy worried me I didn't dare to move. I don't want him to wake up to see us like this. I continued to sleep in the same posture and somehow I felt safe and secure staying with him.

The next morning when I woke up he was not there and my dress that I am supposed to wear today is in his place.

I remembered the previous night's sleeping position. Goosebumps rose all over my body making me awkward.

When I was busy with those thoughts washroom door opened. I saw Vikky in his towel coming out of it with water still dripping from his body.

My eyes saw his six-pack body with well-built muscles ignoring my protest to look away

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My eyes saw his six-pack body with well-built muscles ignoring my protest to look away.

I came to my senses when I heard a deep and sexy voice teasing "Liked what you see Princess?"

He smirked at my startled and blushing face, wearing his shirt slowly as if he is giving me a show.

I moved my eyes and got up from bed and ran into the washroom carrying my dress which I have to wear now

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I moved my eyes and got up from bed and ran into the washroom carrying my dress which I have to wear now. I heard a few noises outside indicating that he is getting ready for the hospital.

When noises stopped I opened the door to peek through the small hole between the wall and door to confirm if he is gone.

I heard him speak "It's ok. You can come out. This is your room too princess and if you are checking for me. Yes, I am leaving now. Come soon I will be waiting for you at the dining table." He grinned and left the room closing the door behind.

I came out once he left and sat on the bed. I should have felt embarrassed by that. But along with that, I am blushing like mad.

I scolded myself for behaving like that. I am still wrapped in a towel fresh from my shower. As I have a college to attend and that too with the person who is the reason for my embarrassment I stood up.

I wore the same dress that he showed me yesterday. I went down to meet my husband and my dad along with bhavs and Kavya and my mother-in-law and father-in-law. God my family grew a lot in one single week.

Thanks again for your support and please vote comment and share my work 😊

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