45.Sweet little talk

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He got up and sat beside me on bed and he was holding my hands tightly.He turned to face me and looking deeply into my eyes he told.

"I can't tell you that now princess.But I promise you that I will tell you as soon as possible.I promised to someone that I will not reveal this to you and I can't risk that promise."

I didn't react to that.I don't know how to react to that actually.What is he trying to say?What is that secret and why did he specified that after hearing that secret I will be more sad.?

He lifted my chin with his fingers and looking into my eyes he said "Why did you cry that much?You know that She is my friend right?That hug was a sympathetic one princess.Nothing romantic.I can promise you about that."

I blinked my eyes twice and moved my head down again staring my fingers that are tightly interlocked with his fingers.

He again lifted my Chin with his hand and rubbing my cheek with his thumb delicately he said "She was crying and I was just trying to comfort her with that hug princess.I have you in my life now.I don't think of being with any other girl when I have a wife whom I have married.Whatever the reasons for our marriage might be but we are married princess.I l..I like you and trust me,you don't know how much I want you to be happy and I will never want to be the reason for your tears ever."

I didn't say anything in reply but I hugged him tightly closing the gap between us and he responded in the same way by wrapping his hands on my back and pulling me closer to him.

I didn't say anything in reply but I hugged him tightly closing the gap between us and he responded in the same way by wrapping his hands on my back and pulling me closer to him

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After some time when I realised what I have started I broke that hug and turned to sit beside him maintaining a safe distance.He took my hand into his hands and his kissed my fingers one by one.

I was shocked by this sudden reaction and faced him as I am not sure what he was thinking while doing so.He smiled a little and kissing remaining fingers slowly he said "Why did you run away like that?Why did you react in such a drastic manner?What was all that about?Can I say Jealousy?"

There was a hint of teasing in his voice and I started blushing by his words.Its true.Why did I react in that way? I ran like hell and started crying and I kept on crying for such a long time.And what did Preethi told?I am in love with him?No way.

How can I be in love with a person in such a short time.I know that I was attracted to him from the moment I saw him.But that was completely physical attraction.It has nothing to do with my heart and feelings.

I snapped back into reality when I heard his voice again."You don't have to answer that Princess.You have every right to be jealous when you see me with another girl.When I saw you crying like that even though part of me was screaming to make you stop another small tiny part of me is happy to know that you are crying because of jealousy."

I turned back to see his eyes when he said those words."I don't have any other girl in my life now apart from you,other than Kavya and my mom Princess.I can't explain you why but please keep in mind that whatever you see or hear about me being with other girl please don't believe."

I nodded not knowing how to respond to that.This was the first time he tried to reveal his feelings in front of me.And for some odd reason I felt that whatever he is telling is true and those words are coming from his heart not his brain.

I just closed my eyes and moved little closer and held my head on top of his chest and he threw his arm on my shoulder and held me like that for some time.

After some time he said "Go take bath and get ready princess.Then we will go for dinner.I will take out your dress for you."

I moved away from him maintaining some distance and then when he was about to get up from bed I stopped him by holding his wrist and then he turned to look at me.

I said "Sorry for behaving like that.I should have talked with you first before turning away and running like that.I .. I didn't know what I was doing at that time.I was.."

He stopped me in middle without letting me to complete my sentence and closing the distance between us he kneeled in front of me and closed my mouth placing his finger on my lips and said with a lot of intense feeling in his words.

"You don't have to explain me why you have reacted like that.I can understand Princess.If I see you like that with another guy I would have reacted the same way."

I smiled and he removed that finger from my mouth allowing me to give reason for my smile.

"You will react in the same way?You will run and cry like me?" I chuckled and he didn't smile but looking with a serious face he said "I will hit that other person so badly such that he will not be able to lay a finger on any other girl."

I looked the seriousness in his face and anger in his words.I smiled a little and keeping my hand on his shoulder and trying to make him feel comfortable I said "I will not allow anyone to hug me or touch me so you will never get a chance to show your Villan side in front of me.Just chill now."

He cooled immediately and smiling a little he said "Go to washroom and get ready.I will be waiting for you at dining table.Be quick.I am starving already."

I nodded and got up from the bed.He went and took my dress from cupboard and placed that in bed and when I was about to take that dress he came near me and kissed me on my forehead and with a wide smile on his face he left the room leaving me alone with all my wandering and irritating thoughts and memories.

He went and took my dress from cupboard and placed that in bed and when I was about to take that dress he came near me and kissed me on my forehead and with a wide smile on his face he left the room leaving me alone with all my wandering and irrit...

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