6. A night to remember

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I turned to look into those eyes. They are gorgeous. Even though his face is expressionless less his eyes have some strength to share. Even though I never met this person my entire life somehow I trust him more than me. But a few minutes back I noticed a change in his expression. That means he is not happy with this thing too right? But what happened now.? How did he accept this proposal and why is he giving me assurance now?

I was about to open my mouth but I heard a knock on my door. I closed my eyes and pulled my hand from his capture. I looked down at my hands which are now resting on my lap. I can still feel the sensation of his touch on my right hand. The door opened and Bhavana entered holding a saree and few things in her hand. As soon as she entered she looked at me and gave a forced smile. Vikrant got up from my side and walked towards the door. He gave a nodding smile to Bhavs before turning and looking at me with the same concern from before visible in his brown beautiful eyes. He turned away immediately and walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

Bhavana turned towards me and placed the things that were in her hand on the bed and stood in front of me. I turned my head to see those things. A saree and matching jewelry. I turned my head and brought my hands to my face closing my eyes and covering my face with them. My mind started thinking about all the things that happened in past one hour. The morning when I woke up, I never thought that my life is going to change in one split second. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I removed my hands from my eyes and saw Bhavana standing in front of me with an expression that I have never seen in our 5 years friendship. She moved those things aside and sat beside me taking my hand into hers. She said "Tomorrow morning 4:20 is the auspicious time. Uncle asked me to give you these things. I can't say that this is going to be easy as I know this is not easy for you. When the time comes uncle will tell you the reason behind all this. Wash your face and go to sleep dear. I am going to stay with you tonight."

I nodded and went to the restroom and locked my door. I went near the mirror at the washbasin and taking water into my hands slapped my face with that handful of water. I closed my eyes for a period of 10 mins, turned on the shower, and stood under it for half an hour. I heard Bhavana calling me making me snap out of my thoughts which were blank at that moment. I wiped off water and came outside covering myself with a bathrobe. I saw Bhavana sitting on my bed with a plate full of food on my study table. My STUDY TABLE- That was a birthday gift from my dad for my 18th birthday. From that moment I shared so many memories with it. I was born in this house and from that moment even though only me and my dad stayed here. We still share a hell of a lot of memories and I love every little thing in this house.

Slowly tears started welling up and I found Bhavana's gaze on me. To hide my tears from her I turned towards my cupboard and picked my night suit and rushed to the washroom. I closed the door behind me and starting crying closing my mouth with both my hands so that no sound escapes outside. After crying for some time I washed my face again, got dressed, and went outside. I moved towards my study table, removed the lid covering the food on the plate, and saw 2 pulkas, paneer curry, curd, and one gulab jamun lying on the plate. I smiled because all the dishes on the plate are my favorite. I closed the lid without even tasting as I am not at all feeling hungry. I turned and saw that Bhavana already slept. I went to another side of the bed and hopped without disturbing her. I turned to the other side and pulled the blanket covering my waist and closed my eyes. I felt a sharp pain in my eyes as this is the first time in my life that I have cried. Even though my eyes are burning and my body is feeling tired my thoughts did not allow me to sleep. I slowly forced myself to sleep.

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