88.You are everything

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Our kiss led to so many other things that we have missed our track for time.It was midnight when I woke up again and I can feel his breath beside me fanning my bare chest. His arms were wrapped all around me as if he is trying to cage me with his hands trying to stop me from leaving him.

I turned a bit and looked at him. He was sleeping peacefully and I really lost myself watching him sleep. He is so cute and damn sexy at the same time. His after sex hair is all ruffled and it is falling on his eyes covering his gorgeous face trying to make him look rough and hot.

I was drawn away from my little fantasy world because of my phone as it started ringing beside my bed. I picked it up as soon as possible not wanting to wake Vikrant.

It's Kavya. "Hey bhabhi. All good? Where are you guys? I have waited for you and as you guys didn't pick bhavana's phone I came home myself. You are fine right?"

There is worry hidden all over her voice. I really felt like crap for not calling her before. " We are good Kavya. I am so sorry we didn't reach you before. Hmm. We sort of got carried away because of few things."

She huffed a sigh of relief. "It's fine bhabhi. I just got worried about you guys that's it. I know it's too much for you guys because of this trip and all. I can understand."

I remained silent for that. I didn't know how to respond to that. Guessing my silence as a problem she herself spoke first.

"You are okay bhabhi?"

"Hmm.. yeah I am fine Kavya. We will start to home now. We will be there in some time. Don't worry" I tried to reassure her that we were safe and not at all fighting anywhere far from home.

"I am not asking about both of you bhabhi. I am asking about you. Only you. I know you didn't like the idea of leaving for London. You are okay now? I guess you both talked about that."

I sighed for that and when I was struggling to reply to that I felt some movement beside me and when I turned to see I saw that Vikrant was wide awake and I am sure that he is listening to this conversation from the moment I picked that call.

"Yeah Kavya . We are discussing about that still. Don't worry. I am fine. Really. I am okay. And we will be home in some time." I said those words all the while looking at Vikrant.

I kept the phone aside once Kavya told okay and she will be waiting. I turned to look at Vikrant and he was watching me intently without any expression on his face.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked trying to hide my face form his stare.

"Like what?" He asked as if he was not killing me with his look.

"Like I did something which I was not supposed to do and you caught me doing that.Like a police looking at a thief."

He smiled at that and moving little closer to me and pulling me towards him such that my body is on his he said with a smug smile "It's all in your head . I was just looking at my beautiful wife who happens to be more sexy now wearing nothing but a blanket wrapped around her. That's it. "

He kissed my neck and I drew my breath because of that. This man really knows how to make me crazy with his words and his kisses. I smiled at him and said "You are being awfully romantic for a person who is about to leave his wife to pursue his career."

I meant that as a joke but the tick on his jaw told me that he was taking that seriously.

"I am not leaving you any time soon and my career or my dreams are not important than you being in my life. I don't care about anything else princess. "

"But. Your career.?"

"I will talk with Dean and ask him to try to postpone that for one year. After you complete your last year as you asked before we will think about that."

"Hmm..But Kavya?"

"Seriously princess? You think that if Kavya knows what the hell you are doing for that Sanjay and her you think she will marry him? I am so sorry to break this to you dear but my sister is far better than that. I will deal that. I will talk with him if needed. "

"I really don't know what to say and how to react to this." I said as I am seriously not able to digest that he chose me over all the other things. He chose me. He loves me.

"I love you princess. You are my life now and you are my happiness. My present and my future can't be without you. And I don't want you to talk anything else about this. Let me deal this my way. You just concentrate on your studies for now. Okay?"

I nodded. I simply nodded. When did I become this lucky to find a man this good to be in my life. I love him. I really do and now I don't have to worry about anything else. My husband will take care of everything.

Thinking that I slowly closed my eyes and leaned my body on his body and hugged him tight. I don't even know that I was crying until I felt him wipe away my tears from my cheek. He gently kissed my lips and I kissed him back.

Author's note: I know I don't have any right to say anything now. I messed up big time. So so so sorry for this late update. And next will be epilogue which will be my final episode for this book. Thanks guys. Really really thank you all.

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