An End to Everything (Stucky Ship)

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Ok. You guys are going to hate me for this one. I decided to make a part two to A First for Everything. And y'all are gonna kill me after you finish reading this. Anyway, hope you guys like it and don't want to kill me.

Oh and in this, the reader is like 15/16 ish

You were relaxing on the couch in the main room when your Dads, Steve and Bucky walked in. You waved to them but kept your focus on the tv.

"Whatcha watching kiddo?" Bucky, or Dad to you, asked as he lifted your feet so he could sit down.

"Harry Potter and The (Fav HP movie here)." You answered.

"Neato." Steve, or Papa to you, said and lifted your head so he could sit down. He played with your hair a little bit and you smiled slightly.

You haven't slept in a few days because you were taken by HYDRA a while ago and tortured you until your Dads and Aunts and Uncles of the Avengers saved you. You have had nightmares and your Dads were there to comfort you. But you finally gave up sleeping because you couldn't handle it anymore.

Steve noticed you fighting to keep your eyes open as he played with your hair. Bucky noticed too. They both shared a look and started to try and put you to sleep.

"No. I don't want to sleep." You mumbled and kept fighting the sleep.

They ignored you and kept trying. You eventually fell asleep. They both kissed your temple.

"About time." Bucky chuckled sadly.

"Yeah. She needs it." Steve nodded and looked down at you.

They finished watching the movie you were watching and then turned off the tv. Bucky knew how HYDRA affected you, Steve didn't understand a full 100% but he still tried to help.

Your Aunt Natasha walked in and smiled sadly at the sight of you.

"She finally fell asleep, huh?" She asked quietly and brushes some of your (hair color) hair from your forehead and back into your pixie cut.

"Yeah. She did. God, I just want to get rid of all the bad in her head." Steve muttered.

"We all do Steve. We all do." Bucky muttered to him. Natasha nodded in agreement.

Tony then walked in. He sighed in relief when he finally saw you asleep.

"Good. She's asleep." Tony hummed.

Steve nods. So does Bucky.

"At least she's resting. We've got a mission coming up in a few days." Bruce explains.

"Oh god." Bucky groans a little.

"Yeah. But we've got to go. And (Y/N) is needed for it." Clint says as he comes into the room.

Steve and Bucky curse under their breathes at the same time. They look to each other and sigh slightly.

"We just, don't want her to be super stressed. This HYDRA thing was enough." Bucky said to the team.

After a few hours you woke up and rubbed your eyes with a yawn.

"Hi." You mumble and sat up in between your Dads. They hugged you on either side.

"We're glad you finally slept." Steve said to you with a kiss to your forehead.

"I'm sorry I haven't been sleeping. I just.... I just don't want to see what they made me see." You mumbled and hugged them both.

Bucky gave you a small squeeze and kissed your temple. He understood what you meant.

"It's ok gumdrop. We understand. It's ok." Bucky said and kisses your other temple.

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