Nobody. Hurts My Best Friend (First Metting Part 4)

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Where we left off:

"What happened, doll?" Bucky asked.

"HYDRA..." Was all you could mumble as you held your head, trying not to make your head pound more.

"Explains the mess and the note," Steve said and handed you the piece of paper.

You quickly took it from him and read it.

"We have to save (B/F/N)." You told them with a determined glare set into your face.

"Well shizzles," Barton muttered when he saw your face.

And now, the next part:

You were now in the tower, pulling on your suit that you wear when stealing stuff. You grabbed the guns you brought and put them in your holsters. And then you put your swords in the sheaths on your back. Then, walking out of the room you were in, you pulled your hair back into a tight bun so it was out of your face, your mask in hand and (B/F/N) around one of your belt loops as a reminder of what you were fighting for.

You walked to the quinjet where the heroes were waiting for you. They all stared at you slightly when you walked towards them. You held yourself high, walked with confidence, determination and anger set on your face, your booted feet stepping heavily and your hips swaying slightly with every step.

Bucky couldn't help but stare as he watched you walk onto the jet. Admiring you for you for your badass bitch persona. He could feel himself falling for you a bit more. Steve looked at him and smirked with a small snort. Bucky turned to him and gave him a small glare.

The team then got onto the jet and Tony took off to the base where they were holding your best friend. You stood in the corner, with your eyes closed and your arms crossed over your chests and your head hung down. You were deep in thought as you stood there.

"Hey. You alright?" Bucky asked once he walked over to you.

"Yeah. Just thinking." You muttered, eyes still closed.

"You don't have to be alone." He muttered.

"Yeah. But my alone time is for everyone's safety." You looked up at him with a tiny glare set on your face.

"Right. Ok. I'm gonna be... Over there." He coughed awkwardly and walked over to where Steve was standing.

You watched him go and sighed as you looked back down again. You then made a tendril of water appear between your fingers and you played with it. Letting it bring a sense of calm over you. (B/F/N) always loved to see you use your powers. A memory of when you first met her made you grin to yourself.

~~ Flashback ~~

You were walking through the streets of Brooklyn. Alone. In the rain. When you came upon a little girl about 5 years old. She was sitting on the ground, alone, cold, and sad. You crouched down in front of her.

"Hey, are you lost?" You asked gently.

She shook her head, her eyes clouded with tears.

"Where are your parents?" You asked softly and brushed some hair from her face.

"They're dead." She whispered.

"Oh, honey. I'm so sorry. Would you like to come and stay with me?" You asked with a soft smile.

"Yeah." She nodded.

You smiled and picked her up, making sure to wrap her into your coat to keep her warm and out of the rain. She clung to you tightly. You smiled a bit as you held her close.

"What's your name sweetheart?" You asked with a comforting smile.

"(B/F/N)." She mumbled and gave you a smile.

"Nice to meet you, (B/F/N). I'm (Y/N)." You grinned and kept walking.

As she grew up, she became your best friend. Helping you with breaking into places and stealing things but not a lot.

~~ End of Flashback ~~

You smiled slightly at the memory. You grinned slightly when you grew her favorite flower on her mask as an addition to it.

The jet then landed and you sprinted out of the jet and to the facility where she was being held.

Bucky ran after on Steve's order to help you and make sure you didn't do anything stupid. He ran in with you but he didn't have to use his gun because you killed all the agents using your powers. You guys found the room (B/F/N) was being held in and you stopped outside the door and glared at the agent. Who held a knife to her throat.

"Let. Her. Go." You growled.

"(Y/N)... Help..." (B/F/N) muttered. You looked at her and she was all bloodied and bruised.

"I will. I promise." You told her reassuringly. You turned back to the Agent and set him a death glare. If looks could kill, he would have been dead like six million times.

"What are you going to do to me?" The agent sneered with an evil grin.

You didn't say anything as vines crept across the floor and up his legs and to the hand that was holding the knife. He dropped it and you squeezed the vines tighter around him and started to set them on fire as a wind blew around him and encased him in a fire tornado, you were saving the water for when Bucky told you to put it out.

Some of the wind picked you up from the ground a little bit and your eyes started to glow a mix of red, blue, green, and purple as your rage and anger surged through you. The agent began to scream in pain but your powers kept going until Bucky grabbed your shoulder and made you stop, forcing you down to the floor and back to your normal self. The fire tornado stopped and the vines stayed wrapped around him. You walked forward and grabbed his face so he would look at you.

"Nobody. Hurt my best friend." You growled and punched him in the face, knocking him out so Bucky could take him back to the jet while you went over to (B/F/N).

"(Y/N)..." She whimpered and you took off her restraints and picked her up piggyback style.

"I've got you. They're not going to hurt you anymore. I promise." You told her as you followed Bucky out of the facility.

You got back to the jet and set her down on a bed so Bruce could look her over. You stayed close and flopped into a chair, the amount of force you used on your powers tired you out so you leaned back and slowly fell asleep.

Bucky watched you and (B/F/N) sleep and he smiled slightly when a sense of peace came over your features.

But he couldn't help but wonder if you had the same feelings as him when it came to a relationship.

He loved your sarcastic humor, your badass facade, and the way you ran into danger without fear. But he also wanted to know what went on in your mind, that made you this way. He figured he would learn with time and his feelings for your grew slightly. So did his smile.


Part 5 coming soon!!

Till Next Time My Fellow Stan Girls!!\

<3 BuckysGirl42

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