Hello and Announcement

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hey guys.

i know, i know. i basically fell off the face of the earth with how inactive i have been.

but, i have a reason. i just haven't been motivated and this whole quarantine thing has been getting to me a bit. yes, i'm ok and i have people i can talk to if i need them.

now the announcement part. this is a bit hard to write but i've got to.

i have decided that i am going to write one last imagine and then i will be ending the book.

i just can't keep leaving you guys hanging while you're waiting for updates and for me to find the motivation. this book also has over 100 imagines and i think it's in a good place to end it.

i just wanted to thank you guys, especially all of you who have been here since the beginning. i appreciate all of the reads and votes you guys have given me and for all the friends i have made because of this book. you guys are all the best and even all of the new readers who have joined along the way. thank you so much, it means so much to me.

now, after that mushiness lol, the last imagine of this book will be apart of the Sorta Big Brother Stan Series. it's going to be the end of that series and a tribute to Pride month, i know, it's a month late, but the idea just came to me now.

ok, i'm gonna go get started on that imagine now.

but again, thank you guys so much. this book wouldn't have gone anywhere without you guys, and i wouldn't be where i am today without you. without your support, i don't think i would have as many books published and in progress as i now do. you guys have been my support system and i love you all so much.

ok, before this gets too long, and for the last time.

I'll see you next time all my guys, gals, and pals, Laters!

keep reading and keep being awesome. I Love You All So Much.

S. Stan and B. Barnes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now