Prompt 5

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HELLO FRIENDS! How are all of you? I'm kinda eh, finals and shit coming up. Ya know, the average life of a high school sophomore.

ANYWAY! Let's get on with this Imagine, Shall we?

ANYWAY! Let's get on with this Imagine, Shall we?

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For this cute ass Prompt. You guys, my wonderful as hell readers, chose it to be written for Our cute Bucky Bear. And I thought it matched perfectly tbh.

Well, Let's get on with the show.


It was just a normal day. You and Bucky had done what you would normally do.

You guys went on your run that morning, went to go run some errands, trained a little bit, watched a movie, and waited for the next mission. Just the same old stuff that you guys do every day.

Bucky was making dinner tonight and you were excited because, his food..... Oh my God. Literal Heaven. You loved it that much.

But you were lost in your thoughts while he thought about what to make for dinner. Just thinking about how you could take over the world with Bucky by your side as your king. You weren't actually going to go through with it. You just liked the thought of it.

Bucky saw you staring off into space as he looked into the living room where you sat. He kinda laughed a bit at the little smile on your face, knowing what you were thinking about and walked over closer to the couch.

"Hey," He said, catching your attention, just enough for you to be able to respond. "What are you up to?"

"Plotting my domination of the world." You answered as your small smile grew a bit.

"Cool," he nodded. "What do you want for dinner?" He answered nonchalantly since this was an everyday thing.

"The blood of my enemies." You hummed absentmindedly.

"Alright. Spaghetti and Meatballs it is." Bucky chuckled and walked by to kiss your head.

"Ok." You grinned and turned to look at him.

Bucky just smiled and shook his head, going into the kitchen to go get dinner started.

You just shook your head and looked down at your hands with a little laugh. You would take over the world at some point.

Just not today.


There it is! Short and Sweet!

I hope you all loved it!

I shall be updating again soon!

Love you all!

Till next time my fellow Wattpadians!

♡ Rach (-cynefin)

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