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YES! We've reached the 100th chapter! WoooooHooooo!!!!

YAY! Thanks for sticking with me this long! I love you all and thank you for the 54.9k reads! I appreciate it so much. Ok! Now! On with the imagine! Also, important authors note at the bottom. Please read it!


In a world of soulmates, mostly everyone around you only had one way of telling when they would meet their soulmate. You, however, had six. You were basically an anomaly. No one knows why you have six different soulmate markers.

The first one was, that you could not see anything colored greyish blue, that must've been the color of the ocean because you couldn't see the color of it.

The second one was, you had a timer on your left wrist that was counting down the years, days, hours, minutes, and seconds of when you would meet your soulmate.

The third was, your right hand had a dark black stain on it that went around your thumb and your palm. Like your soulmate was going to help you up at one point in your life. And your mother told you it was going to bloom with color when you met them and you couldn't wait.

The fourth was, whenever your soulmate would write or draw on their skin, it would appear on yours. You loved to see all the art that your soulmate would draw. Sometimes the two of you would have conversations that lasted the whole day until you guys had to take a shower and go to bed.

The fifth was, whatever happened to your soulmate you would get little marks on your skin that bruised when the other would hurt themselves. And you would always ask them what happened that day by writing on your arm. It was funny to read some of the reasons why they got hurt sometimes.

And finally, the sixth one was, You had your soulmate's zodiac symbol on your right shoulder. They were a Leo. And you were a (Zodiac symbol) so that meant they had your mark on their right shoulder too.

You loved all of your soulmate marks. And you were proud of them. Other people thought you were a freak, but you didn't give a single shit about it. You loved to show off all of your marks and smiled all day every day.

But, what you didn't know, was that a certain Actor had all of the same ones you did. And his name, Sebastian Stan.


You were running one morning, down the streets of New York City. Your left wrist hurt slightly and you looked down to see your timer counting down. You started to freak out slightly and didn't watch where you were going.

You crashed into someone and you fell down on your but.

"Oof. That hurt." You mumbled.

"Oh my god. I am so sorry. Are you ok?" The person asked and offered you their right hand to help you up. Without realizing it, you put your right hand into his. Neither of you noticed the colors blooming over your hands.

"Yeah. I'm ok. Sorry that I wasn't looking where I was going. Sorry about running into you." You smiled at the person and looked up into his eyes. Seeing the beautiful ocean blue you've never seen at all.

The both of you looked down to your left wrist to see the timer at 0 and your right hands were a brilliant array of different colors. You both looked to each other's right shoulder to see your zodiac symbol there. And then you saw his left arm full of the doodles you did on your own the day before.

"Oh. Wow. Um, hi." You smiled and looked up at him. Then you recognized who he was. "Oh my god. You're Sebastian Stan." You whispered as you looked at your soulmate, trying to control your inner fangirl.

S. Stan and B. Barnes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now