Coming Out (Sebastian Stan (SBBS Series))

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Welcome to the final imagine in the book before it ends!

Now, this one is for pride month, even though it's a month late on my part, and I'm sorry.

Before i go into this, I am a supporter and a part of the LGBTQIA+ community. I put the bean in Les-bean lmao. If you have any hateful comments, i will be deleting them and ignoring you. i don't want and/or need your negativity, thanks!

Oh! And don't forget that this series has a female reader. Okie, 



It's been a year and a half since you've been with your new family. Sebastian was visiting for the month because he was done with his current project and he wanted to spend time with you.

But, you had a secret. A secret you've kept your whole life. You've never told anyone, until now.

The month of June was special to you. Extremely special. It was Pride month and it was a time where you weren't afraid of who you were. Going to Pride parades with your friends were some memories you would always hold onto.

But now, you were going to make a new one. With your new family.

Fiddling with your hands nervously, you walked into the living room where Sebastian and Georgeta were sitting on the couch, watching tv. You had on a pair of black jeans and a black zip-up hoodie, complete with your Converse.

Sebastian was the first to notice you. He grinned but then it fell when he noticed you fiddling with your fingers, a nervous habit of yours that he had picked up on within the first weeks of meeting you.

"Hey, (Y/N/N). You ok?" He asked, his question alerting Georgeta to your presence.

"Yeah," you whispered and cleared your throat. "Yeah," you spoke a little louder. "I just... Can I talk to you guys about something?"

"Always." Georgeta reassured and you nodded, taking a deep breathe.

"What are your thoughts about the LGBTQIA+ Community?" You asked.

"I think it's cool people are being themselves and loving who they love. I'm a full supporter of it." Sebastian was the first to answer, his answer lifted some weight off your chest and you felt like you could breathe easier.

"My views are the same." Georgeta hummed and you started to smile softly, more weight being lifted from your chest.

"Ok. I have to tell you guys something." You hummed and un-zipped your sweatshirt. A rainbow t-shirt that read 'Let's get one thing straight. I'm not' written on it in black letters. "I'm gay." You blurted.

The two people who you trusted to most smiled so wide. Sebastian got up off the couch and picked you up in a hug, holding you tightly. You wrapped your arms around him tightly and grinned. Georgeta coming to hug the both of you.

"I still love you and I'm proud of you for telling me." Sebastian whispered in your ear.

"Thank you." You whispered, happy tears coming to your eyes.

"Me too. You're so beautiful and I can't wait to see where you go in life." Georgeta hummed and you grinned, wrapping your arms around her tightly when Sebastian put you down.

"Thank you Mom." You whispered, a happy tear slipping down your cheek. You pulled away from her and looked at the two of them happily, happy tears falling down your cheeks.

"I love you guys." You grinned and wrapped the two of them in a hug.

"We love you too." Sebastian smiled, the both of them kissing your head gently.

"Now," Seb pulled away and looked at you. "When is the next pride parade?" He grinned.

"A week from now." You smiled. "You gonna go with me?"

"Hell yes I am! I've got to support the best little sister ever!" Seb cheered and lifted you up into another hug.

"Awesome." You grinned.


A week later, you drove you and Seb down to where the Pride parade was being held. Before then, Sebastian had ordered a black shirt with rainbow letting that read 'My sister is gay and I'm proud of her'. It made you smile like an idiot when he showed you.

He proudly wore it today. While you on the other had worn a white shirt that has a rainbow bean on it and said 'I'm a Les-bean'. It was your favorite and you had to wear it today.

You walked around with Seb, joining up with your friends and the group of you having a great time. At some point, Sebastian lifted you up to sit on his shoulder as you guys walked around. You had one of your friends take a picture for you and you sent it to Seb.

After the parade, you guys went home and before dinner you saw that Seb posted that picture with the caption 'She's my sister and I'm proud. I'll fight anyone who doesn't accept her the way I do. Leave your negative comments at the door, thank you!'.

You ran downstairs and launched yourself at him in a hug after you read all of the comments that were so supportive of you, that you almost cried.

The rest of pride month was filled with puns and silly t-shirts and you wouldn't have it any other way. Sebastian even helped you hang up your pride flags in your room.

And that, was your Coming Out. You wouldn't change it for the world.


Ok. There it is.

Kinda short and definitely sweet.

I hope you all had a safe Pride Month.

I love you all and I hope you enjoyed the last imagine of this book.

Now, for the last time,

I love you all my guys, gals, and all my palsl!

Love you all!!


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