What the...... Bucky? (Sebastian Stan)

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You guys are going to love this! I've never written something like this so I hope it's awesome!

This was a requests/idea from aishashabeese and I thank her for the idea because it was awesome! And I hope I get it write! (Pun intended....... No?....... Ok, I'll just...go)

ANYWAY! On with the show shall we!


A lazy day on the couch. That's all you and Seb were doing that day. You had ordered pizza like 15 minutes ago and you two were on the couch waiting for it.

Sebastian was sitting normally while you were laying down with your head in his lap, his fingers running through your hair. You guys had the tv on and you guys were watching your favorite movie: Captain America: Civil War. Even though it caused you feels, it was still your favorite.

Seb leaned down and pecked your lips. "I love you (Y/N)." Seb mumbled when he pulled away.

"I love you too Sebby." You smiled.

Seb grinned and you pulled him down for another kiss.

He chuckled and pecked your lips again. The door bell rang and you got up thinking it was the pizza.

You opened the door and didn't see the pizza dude. You saw a man with shoulder length brown hair and bright steel blue eyes who looked REALLY familiar.

"What the....?" you trailed off and then identified the man, "Bucky?" You whispered.

"Yeah. Hi. I need help." He rushes out and looked down the hallway both ways of the apartment floor.

"Sebastian!" You called.

"Yeah?" He called back and got up. He came to the door to find you staring at Bucky.

"What the.....? You're not supposed to be real..." Seb said astonished.

"Yeah. But I am. Can I come in please?" Bucky asked. You nodded numbly and let him inside. You closed the door behind him.

"How....? What....?" You gaped out.

"I'll explain in a minute." Bucky said and went to the living room and closed the curtains.

He looked to the tv and nodded. "Right, they made a movie about that." He mumbled and went around your and Sebastian's apartment, analyzing it like he was making sure it was safe.

You just dropped onto the couch, trying to make sense of what was happening. Sebastian stood next to you, rubbing your back a little as you both watched Bucky run around the apartment.

He finally stopped and sat in the arm chair across from you.

"Ok. So, I owe you guys an explanation." Bucky said.

"Yeah you owe us an explaination!" You stood up quickly and almost shouted. "You just show up at the door and say you need help!? I don't even know how you're REAL! I can't even understad this! My head is like running all over the place!" You ranted and paced back and forth across the living room. Your anxiety was starting to crawl up your body. You stuffed your hands in your hair and clutched at the roots of your hair and your breathing started to turn into gasps and sobs as tears fell down your face and your cheat felt tight.

"(Y/N). Baby. Hey. Calm down honey." Seb's voice pierced your thoughts and he appeared in front of you. He stopped your pacing and gently placed both hands on either side of your face so you couldn't look anywhere else but him.

Your (eye color) eyes locked onto his bright steel blue ones. Your hands came down from your hair and you gripped onto his wrists.

"Deep breathes. In. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Hold. 1, 2, 3. Out. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6." Sebastian cooed to you gently. You did as he said and kept doing it as he quietly counted for you and was breathing with you. Your tears had stopped and you were finally calm. You dropped your forehead to Sebastian's chest and wrapped your arms around him. Sebastian wrapped his arms around you and held you close to him and tightly.

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