Not Tessa... Please...(Bucky Barnes)

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This was an awesome request by the awesome and amazing MrsMarvelKnight! This was so much fun to write!



Tessa Stark. The Daughter, of the genius, billionaire playboy, philanthropist, Tony Stark. She was loved by her father but she sided with Steve during the war between the two and she fell in love with Bucky Barnes. The two were inseparable. They were always together and always around one another.

Tony held a party one night for her since she was going to Asgard with Thor and Bruce for a while so she could work on controlling her powers better. She was looking for Bucky and she found him. Kissing another woman and it made her a bit sad. But what she didn't see was that he pushed her away.

But he didn't say one thing about it to Tessa. But the party was fun and that night she went with Thor and Bruce to Asgard. And she stayed with them. Until Asgard was destroyed and Thor had to abandon his home with his people.

And they were traveling through space to go back to Earth. But Thanos intercepted them and took Tessa for her powers, hoping to use her in some way to help him get the rest of the Infinity Stones.

Heimdall quickly sent her and Bruce home after the Hulk fought Thanos. They got to Earth and the Hulk wrapped himself around Tessa so she wouldn't be hurt when they crashed into the Sanctum. Tessa quickly got off of Bruce and Strange helped her up out of the hole in the floor.

She and Bruce explained what was happening and Bruce said to find Tony. They found him and Tony was glad to see she was back. But he told her to stay in the Sanctum while he dealt with whatever was happening and that was when Bruce came back and grabbed the phone Tony left.

"We have to call Steve." He said simply and started to call Steve.


Steve found them and they were on the way to Wakanda with Nat, Wanda, Vision, Rhodey, and Sam. While they were on the way, Tessa changed into the catsuit that she used on missions.

She walked off the Jet behind Steve and Natasha. She didn't see Bucky walk over and hug Steve. But he did walk up behind her and dropped his hands onto her shoulders quickly.

"Hiya doll." He said and she jumped. She knocked him flat on his back and held a fist encased in flames up, ready to punch him in the face.

"Jesus Bucky. Don't scare me like that." She sighed and relaxed. She stood and Bucky got up. As soon as he was standing, Tessa engulfed him in a tight hug.

"I missed you." She mumbled into his shoulder.

"I missed you too, doll." Bucky smiled and kissed her head.

They then talked about what happened at the party and she forgave him. And they also talked about what was coming.


The fight came and the Wakandan Army was ready. Ailen creatures fought through the barrier, killing themselves as they did so.

"We gotta keep them in front of us," Steve muttered.

"How do you suppose we do that?" Okoye asked.

"We open the barrier," T'Challa muttered softly. He reached up to his com and presses it. "On my signal," He said. A few beats of silence passed.

"WAKANDA FOREVER!" He then yelled and everyone ran forward as the barrier opened.

Bucky stayed by Tessa as they worked to cover each other.

More and more creatures came through and it seemed like there was no way to keep up as the two were separated and pinned down to the ground.

That is until Thor came down and joined the fight. He killed a whole bunch of them before he yelled,

"BRING ME THANOS!" He boomed.

"Yes." Tessa breathed out from her spot on the ground.

Bucky came over to help her up.

"You alright, Doll?" He asked and offered her a hand to help her up.

"Yeah. Just... Just give me a minute." Tessa laughed slightly as she laid there catching her breath.

"Ok. Come on. We've got a world to save." Bucky chuckled and pulled her up off the ground.

They covered each other better as they fought of the creatures. They even saw a talking Raccoon that was trying to get Bucky's gun and his arm. But they weren't going to let that happen.


The fight was long and hard. Tessa and Bucky worked together during the whole thing. Killing the aliens that were flooding into Wakanda. Bucky shot them dead while Tessa burned them to ash. But all of the fighting they did against the creatures would be useless.

Thanos had got all of his Infinity Stones and snapped his fingers. And everything went quiet. Too quiet for anyone's liking.

The people started to disappear, turning into dust as they went.

Tessa could feel something wrong because of her heightened senses and she fought against it as she stumbled toward.

"Bucky..." She called and he turned to her.

"Bucky... I... I don't feel so great." She muttered as she stumbled into his arms.

"I've got you. You're ok. You're ok." He tried to reassure her. As she stumbled, her phone fell to the ground.

"I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die. I don't want to go. I don't want to go. Please Bucky, please." She pleaded as her legs gave out and they fell to the ground.

"I love you... So much..." She whispered out before she turned to ash on the ground in Bucky's arm.

"No. No no no no no no no." Bucky muttered as he shook his head. He looked at Steve who shook his head and looked around in disbelief.

Bucky then looked down to see Tessa's phone laying on the ground.

Bucky picked it up and called Tony.

"Yeah, Tessa?" Tony answered.

"Tony. It's Bucky. You... You have to come to Wakanda. Tessa disappeared and I don't know what to do." Bucky said, heartbroken that the love of his life had disappeared.

"Ok. I'm on my way." Tony rushed out and hung up the phone.

Bucky stayed on the ground next to the spot where Tessa disappeared for two hours, waiting for Tony. Steve tried to get him to move but Bucky refused.

Tony arrived and raced to where he saw Bucky sitting on the ground. But Tony stopped when he saw the ash beside him.

"No... No... Not Tessa too." Tony muttered.

"I was going to propose to her after this was all over," Bucky whispered. Tony was breaking down. He couldn't lose his daughter and a boy he considered to be his son all in the same day.

"Not Tessa... Please..." Tony whispered as he and Bucky mourned over the loss of the girl they both loved dearly.


There it is! I've got one more request to write tonight and then I will probably get up some ideas of my own!

Requests are always open!

Till Next Time My Fellow Stan Girls!

<3 Rach (BuckysGirl42)

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