Midnight Wishes (Bucky Barnes)

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Hello again! I just thought of this one, lolz. Anyway, I think y'all will love this one! Let's get on with the show.

Also, a quick note. There is a 7 hour time difference between New York State and Iraq.



Midnight. Everyone else is sleeping. Except for one man. Who's sitting on the roof of the Avengers Facility. Looking up at the Stars, wishing and waiting for you to come home. That man, was Bucky Barnes.



7:00 AM

You sat on your bed, writing your weekly letter to Bucky. You were just about to sign it when your best friend walked in and flopped into your bed. You laughed at her a little bit.

"Well hello Alice." You smiled at her.

"Hello (Y/N)." She grinned.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" You joked and signed the letter.

"Nothing. Writing your letter to your Buckybear?" She teased.

"As a matter of fact, yes I am. I just gotta sign the bottom and put it in an envelope." You grinned and grabbed the envelope and placed the folded letter inside.

"How is Bucky, anyway?" Alice asked.

"He's good. Still my Bucky bear." You snorted. You sealed the letter closed and wrote the address to the Avengers Facility on the front.

Alice laughed. You got up and slipped on your sunglasses. Alice hopped up from your bed to go with you to the outgoing express mail box.

Once you got there, you kissed the outside of the envelope and slipped it into the box. Alice laughed at you and you punched her in the arm slightly and and laughed.



9:00 AM

Bucky woke up on the roof of the facility and decided to get up and go down to the main room where everyone else was.

He walked in and everyone murmured their "good morning"s and Bucky murmured his back. He got something to eat and he sat down on a stool in front of Steve.

"Oh. This came for you Buck." Steve held a letter out to Bucky.

"Thanks, Steve." Bucky grinned and swiped the letter from his friend's hand. He recognized your hand writing on the front and your kiss too. He slit open the top and gently pulled the letter out and began to read.

He grinned as he read your weekly news letter. This was the only form of contact he had with you through your four years of service at the base. The base you were at didn't allow cell phones, so Bucky couldn't text you when he wanted to, he had to wait for your letters.

The team all watched him sadly as he read the letter with a sad smile. They all looked to Stark and nodded. A plan forming in their heads.



4:00 PM

You and Alice were just chilling in your shared tent. Just talking, laughing, and joking around.

"I hope he got the letter already." You mumbled as you stared at the top of the tent.

"He probably did. He's an Avenger. They get first class mall." Alice laughed.

"True. True. It's what, 9 in the morning over there now?" You asked and looked at her.

She nodded. You nodded and looked back up.

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