Camping Misadventures (Bucky Barnes)

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Ok! This was a request by the Amazing and Awesome AwesomnessLady (Lolz, You're username says it all) ANYWAY! she had an awesome request, so here it is!


Camping. That was the last thing you wanted to do today. Yeah, you loved camping and stuff. You just didn't want to do it today.

Steve and Tony were leading You, Bucky, Clint, Natasha, Bruce, and Thor, who didn't really understand the concept of camping. Also, Steve and Tony's adopted son, Peter Roger-Stark. He was walking with you and Bucky. Well, Peter was only like 7 so you were giving him a piggy back ride, like the good Aunt (Y/N) you were.

Tony and Steve then started arguing about where you guys should camp.

"Ugh. Really? Why are they fighting? It's just a camping spot." Peter groaned and flopped his forehead onto your shoulder.

"I know Pete. I know. They're weird." You laughed slightly and shook your head amused.

After ten minutes of hearing the two argue and have some birds tell you to make then shut up, you finally stepped in. Oh, yeah, you could also talk to animals and they could talk back to you too.

"Hey, Tones? Why don't we let Peter pick a spot?" You asked your older brother.

"Actually, that's a good idea. Nice thinking (Y/N/N)." Tony grinned and nodded at you.

You grinned and set Peter down. You grabbed his hand and walked ahead a little bit in front of everyone.

"Thank you." Peter grinned up at you.

"No problem buddy. Anything for my favorite nephew." You ruffled his head.

"I'm your only nephew." He giggled.

"That's right. You are. And my only favorite." You giggled and booped his nose.

He giggled and then asked if he could ride on his shoulders. You nodded and lifted him up there, holding on tight to his ankles while he placed his hands on either side of your head. As you walked, he pretended to steer you all over the trail making everyone laugh. You laughed as much as Peter did while he was steering you all over the place. Even the animals laughed.

After a bit more of walking, you came up upon a clearing and Peter thought it was perfect.

"Papa, Daddy, what about here? Will this work?" Peter asked and pointed to the spot from your shoulders.

"Yeah buddy. It will." Tony nodded and grinned. Steve did too.

"Yay! We can have s'mores now!" Peter cheered. You did too and everyone laughed at your childish ways.

"Not quite yet, bud. We still gotta eat dinner first." Steve chuckled. He kissed Peter's cheek when he walked by.

"Ok!" Peter nodded and grinned at his dad.

Steve, Tony, Bucky, and Clint then went about setting up camp. Bruce had his own tent, So did Thor. Nat and Clint shared one, so did Tony, Steve and Peter. And then you and Bucky were left with your tent.

The night went on and you started the camp fire while Steve got all the cooking stuff and food out for everyone. You helped Peter with his hot dog and he sat in your lap. Tony took pictures because he could. But Nat had taken more artsy photos because she was like a freaking master, and she had taken a photography class too.

Bucky would steal little kisses here and there because he could. He loved you so much not to and you would laugh every time he did.

"You're such a dork." You giggled.

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