BEST! DAY! EVER! (Sebastian Stan)

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This was a cute request by the amazing RainbowFrosk! And I loved this!



Sebastian, your dad, has been really busy lately and you missed him. Especially since you were 18 and going off to college soon. And you wanted to spend some time with him before you went.

Seb had gotten home from Atlanta a week ago and you were giving him some time to get settled back in before you were gonna ask him your question.

And you had finally thought he had enough time.

So, while he was sitting on the couch, watching tv, you walked out and sat on his lap so you were in front of him. You put your forehead on his forehead so he wouldn't be able to look around you.

"Well, hello my beautiful daughter." Sebastian laughed as he looked into the blue eyes that matched his.

"Hi. I have a question." You said, still looking at him straight in the eyes.

"Ok. And What is that?" Seb asked and found the remote turning off the tv so you wouldn't have to out your face in his anymore.

"Well, you and I both know I'll be leaving for college in a few weeks." You started.

"Ugh. Don't remind me that my baby girl is growing up." Seb groaned and leaned his head back.

"As I was saying. I think we should go somewhere for a week, just the two of us." You stated with a grin.

"Ok. Where do you want to go?" Seb grinned, already knowing what you were going to say.

"Can we go to Disney World?" You asked sweetly, using the big puppy eyes that you knew he couldn't say no to.

"Oh jeez. Not the eyes!" Seb laughed. He tried to avoid your gaze but he couldn't. "Ok. Yes. Fine." Seb gave in.

"Yay!" You cheered.

Seb chuckled as he watched you get off him and raced to your bedroom to grab your laptop so the two of you could figure out when to go and get plane tickets and stuff for the Disney Parks.

Once everything was settled, you smiled and set your laptop on the coffee table and laid down on the couch, so your head was on Seb's lap. He took out your messy bun of lick dark brown hair like his and started running his fingers through it. You hummed slightly sleepy.

"I can't wait until Wednesday." You mumbled.

"Me either kiddo." Seb grinned and kept running his hands through your hair, knowing it was putting you to sleep.

"Mhm." You hummed and yawned as your eyes fluttered closed.

"Get some sleep, kid." Seb chuckled slightly.

"But I'm not tired." You mumbled. A yawn escaped tour lips despite your protest.

"Yeah, sure you aren't." Seb laughed.

You giggled slightly and yawned again.

"Night Dad." You mumbled.

"Night sweetheart." Seb smiled and bent down to kiss your temple. You smiled a bit in your sleep.

Sebastian then felt himself falling asleep so he leaned back and rested his heels on the coffee table and fell asleep.


Wednesday came around and you were excited. You had your stuff all packed for the week you would be spending in Disney with your dad, and Seb was excited too.

The two of you walked through the airport with your heads down so the paparazzi wouldn't see you as you walked to your flight gate. You went through security with no problems and you were currently waiting for your flight to be called. You and Seb were stood by the door so you guys could be first on the plane so you didn't have to deal with fans.

The flight was called and you were allowed to board, you and Seb first and the stewardess knew who the two of you were and got you seated near the cockpit so you wouldn't be bothered.

You both fell asleep during the flight and Seb was woken up by the announcement that they would be landing soon and he woke you up.

Florida was amazing and you loved going there with your friends to spend time on the beach.

You and Seb got to the hotel you were staying at and it was a resort that Disney took care of. You both were going to share a suit and it was awesome. On Seb's bed, there was a box with your fast pass bracelets.

Yours was (Y/F/C) and it had a little stitch thing around it that still allowed the Mickey head to be shown. And Sebastian's was red with a black mickey head and he had a Baymax thing like your stitch one.

"Oh my god. This is awesome." You grinned ad you put it on.

"Agreed." Seb chuckled and he put his on too.

"Can we go to the park now?" You squealed, bouncing on the balls of your feet.

"Hell yeah!" Seb cheered and the two of you grabbed a couple things before grabbing room keys and off to the park you went to have fun.


You and Sebastian had a lot of fun. You guys went to Hollywood Studios and rode most of all the rides there. You even road the Tower of Tower. Seb screamed like a girl and of course, the two of you were in the front row. And of course, you got two pictures, one for you and one for him so you could always embarrass him.

Becuase in the picture, Seb was there with his mouth wide open in a scream and he was looking down, his hair, that was long for Bucky, flying around his face. And you were sitting next to him with your hands up in the air and laughing like crazy.

You were gonna keep that picture forever and rub it in his face that he screamed like a girl and you were going to tell the Marvel crew too. You snickered at the idea.

You guys also stayed for the fireworks and the parade of lights. You guys had so much fun during the day and stayed until midnight, after the fireworks.

So, in other words. You guys had the BEST! DAY! EVER!


There it is! I hope you love it!

Till Next Time My Fellow Stan Girls!

<3 Rach (BuckysGirl42)

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