Your New Best Friend (Bucky Barnes)

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Ok. This is gonna be a bit depressing but it will also be really good hopefully.

I hope you guys love this!

Now on with the show!


You were laying in bed, in your room, in the Avengers Facility in Upstate New York. It was early morning, like 5 in the morning, and you were wide awake.

You were a war veteran and the little sister of Tony Stark. The reason you were awake in the early light of morning, was because of the memories that plagued your mind from your time over in Afghanistan. You only served for two years before you were sent home with a purple heart and a lot of PTSD.

You sat up and crossed your left leg under you. You pulled the blanket back and sighed as you stated down at what was left I your right leg, which was a stub that stopped mid-thigh.

You lost your leg to an IED. They had to amputate your leg because a piece of shrapnel cut an artery and some nerves in your leg, about an inch and a half above the knee.

You shook your head as the memory started to resurface.

"Brain, shut up." You mumbled and slid over so your left foot was sitting on the floor and you rested your head in your hand.

You grabbed the crutches that were leaned up against the nightstand and tucked them under your arms as you pushed your self up off the bed. You went off to the bathroom, did your morning routine and then off to the gym where you knew Steve and Sam would be.

You smiled slightly from where you stood near the door as you watched Steve and Sam spar, arguing like an old married couple as they did so.

"Girls, you're both pretty. Stop fighting." You joked as you moved closer.

The boys laughed and turned to you with smiles.

"How are you feeling today, (Y/N/N)?" Sam asked. He knew what kind of PTSD you had, so did Steve, and they helped you through it.

"Amazing, actually. Didn't get much sleep, but I'm good." You answered truthfully.

"That's good." He nodded a bit.

You sat yourself down on the bench and smiled at them, a small smile, but it was actually genuine.

"Do you guys know if Tony's awake? I want to talk to him about something." You asked them as they sat on the floor in front of you.

"Uh, yeah. I think I saw him in the lab when I was on my way here this morning." Steve nodded.

"Thanks, Steve." You smiled and pulled yourself up again. "Now quit your arguing girls." You joked again as you left.

"Yes, Ma'am." The boys answered at the same time and you laughed a little at them as you left.

You made your way down to Tony's lab and FRIDAY opened the door for you. You went in and sat yourself down on Tony's desk.

"Good Morning. How are you this morning, Tony?" You asked with a smile.

"Hi. And I'm good. How about you?" Tony put his stuff down and smiled at you.

"I'm good. Feeling awesome, like I could take down the world if needed," You smiled a bit. "So, uh, what's this talk about you and Shuri designing a leg for me?" You asked curiously.

"Ah, yes! We have some sketches drawn and ideas planned out. Would you like to see them? I can call Shuri down here and we can go over all the stuff with you if you'd like?" Tony explained, a soft smile playing on his lips.

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