Finally With the Man of Your Dreams (Bucky Barnes)

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This was another awesome request by the fabulous and amazing DuckyDew7! This was super fun to write! Now, On with the show!


You were an orphan since you were 5-years-old. Now, you were 32 and you helped out around the orphanage. You loved hanging out with the kids, you loved them all and they all loved you. You got them all into bed and went down to the basement which was kind of your own little lair of some sorts. You had all kinds of crazy gadgets and inventions down there.

You were a genius, more of a genius that Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. You had inventions that Tony dreamed of inventing but didn't know how. You also had powers. You were a telekinetic and a pyrokinetic, which meant you could control fire.

And HYDRA wanted you for those powers and your brain. But you didn't know that.

You were down in the basement, just tinkering around and messing around in your "lair/lab". You didn't even hear someone open the door and walk in. He was silent and careful with his steps. He found his way to the basement where you were. You had fallen asleep at your work desk with your head propped up with your hand.

The Winter Soldier, or Bucky as you would call him later, walked around the table to see if you were really asleep. And he froze as soon as he saw your face. You looked like someone he once knew. He bit back a groan as he had an overwhelming headache start. He placed his hands on the table as memories flooded his mind.

His hands slipped and he crashed down to the floor, waking you up. You looked at him and quickly stood and got into a fighting stance, your hands alight with flame.

"Who are you?" You demanded once he seemed to regain his composure.

He didn't say anything, just stared at you. You kept your stance with fire still dancing around your fisted hands.

"Dotty?" He whispered.

"I'm not Dotty. That was my great-grandmother." You told him. And you weren't lying. You looked a lot like your great-grandmother who lived back in the 1940's. You traced back your family tree when you were old enough.

Winter then punched you in the face, with his metal hand, effectively knocking you out. You slumped forward and he caught you.

With his newfound memories, he took you to an abandoned house, tied you to a chair and paced the room as more and more memories came to his mind, he groaned and punched a wall. It cracked and he sighed.

He heard you groan and looked over at you to see you wince and pull your head up.

"Why the hell would you punch me in the face with a metal hand!?" You yelled.

He just shrugged and then found a chair to sit in front of you. He just looked at you and you glared back at him.

"Let. Me. Go." You said and kept your glare firm.

He just sat there silently, just watching you. Calculating what you were going to do next. You just glared at him as he stared at you.

"Please. Just let me go." You asked quietly.

"I can't." He whispered.

"Why not?" You whispered back.

"Bad people are after you." He mumbled and dropped his eyes.

"Who's after me?" You asked gently and moved your head so you could catch his eyes again. Your heart going out to him, he looked scared, vulnerable, and fragile in some way.

"An organization that's called HYDRA. They made me a killer." He muttered.

"Then, we'll run away together. Keep them from getting us. We'll keep each other safe." You suggested and he looked at you with hopeful eyes.

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