What the...... Bucky? (Part 2)

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This was requested by aishashabeese and @Marvel_Fanatic_ who both came up with good ideas!

Anyway! On with part two!


A year has passed since that day. When you and Sebastian met the real Bucky, Steve, and Natasha. And today, marked that one year anniversary. You and Seb were in the middle of filming the newest Marvel Movie.

You both walked onto set to find the directors talking with Steve, Natasha, and Bucky. You and Seb looked to each other and grinned.

"Hey guys!" You yelled to them with a smile and waved. They looked to you smiled brightly as they waved.

As soon as you got over there, Bucky sent you a smile and you smiled in return. Seb tensed a little bit and grabbed your hand.

"What brings you guys here?" You asked with a smile.

"Well, we need you guys for a mission." Steve answered.

"Ok. A bit of danger. I like it." You grinned. Steve chuckled.

"Yes. A bit of danger." Natasha smiled.

Chris Evans came up to you and Seb.

"Hey guys!" Evans grinned.

"Hey!" You smiled.

Chris went to say something but stopped when he spotted Steve.

"Seb? (Y/N)? Are you guys seeing this?" He asked.

"Yeah. The Avengers are real, so is everything Marvel." You explained.

"Really? What......? How......?" Chris asked.

"Well, we kind of live in a different universe." Natasha explained.

"Whoa." Chris whispered.

"Yes. So, why don't you meet the real Steve?" You suggested.

"Ok." Chris mumbled and walked over to Steve.

"Hello." Steve greeted.

"Oh my God..... World..... Going...... Dark......" Chris mumbled before he fainted and dropped to the floor. Steve caught him and looked to you confused.

"Well, that was unexpected." You muttered and Seb took Chris from Steve.

"Agreed. But oh my God. What does Chris eat!?" Seb joked as he carried Chris to a chair.

"I don't know! You spend the most time with him." You laughed. Seb laughed too and Steve, Bucky, and Nat laughed too.

"Ok. Shall we go to this mission?" You asked after awhile.

"Yes. Let's go." Steve nodded and said good bye to the directors.

You and Sebastian left with the group and left the set after you tapped a note to Chris' forehead to tell him where Seb and you went.


The Avengers tower was amazing. The real Tony Stark is just like RDJ. It like physically hurt you at the likeness of them. You even had your own doppelganger.

Amelia Rogers. Steve's little sister. Also know as The Red Soldier. Yeah, she had the same backstory as Bucky almost and Bucky was her boyfriend. You were excited to meet her.

"Hello. I'm (Y/N)! I play you in the movies!" You gave her a bright smile and she returned it.

"It's nice to meet you. Stevie boy has told me about you after he came back from your world. It's good to meet another woman with military experience." Amelia smiled.

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