First Meeting (Bucky Barnes)

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Just a random idea here


You were in the Avengers tower. At night. While all the heroes were gone. With your partner/best friend. Stealing stuff. And let me tell ya, that was an absolute bitch to hack and shut down FRIDAY.

You weren't necessarily a good person. Kind-hearted yes. But a rule follower, Oh hell nah.

You were currently in one of the heroes rooms. The Bucky Barnes' room. You and (best friends name) were in there looking for anything of value. You opened up a closet full of assault rifles that were very impressive.

"Oooh! Look at all the pretties!" (B/F/N) squealed.

"Can you please, stop talking about assault rifles the same way you talk about shoes?" You groaned with a small smile.

"Oh, whatever." She rolled her eyes and walked out of the room and down the hall to another room.

You kept looking around his room. Only finding journals and some books. His room was very bland, to be honest with you. 

You left the room and walked down the hall to the main room of Avengers Tower. Admiring the view of the city from the 210th floor of the tower. You sighed and smiled a bit at the twinkling of some of the lights in the city.

(B/F/N) came to stand next to you.

"Shall we raid the kitchen for food?" She asked and you looked over at her and grinned.

"You read my mind." You then walked to the kitchen and (B/F/N) followed you.

You both found food to eat and then left the kitchen a mess because, why the hell not? You guys then finished your spree of stealing crap when the lights suddenly turned on. You both froze in the middle of the living room.

The Avengers then came barreling into the main room. All of them have their respective weapons except for Captain America. You stood nonchalantly as you held it on your arm, you looked down at your nails, even though they were covered by gloves, and looked slightly discussed at them.

"Man, I really need a manicure." You said aloud, not caring if everyone heard.

You had on a black mardi gras mask with silver glittery designs on it, that covered your cheeks but left your nose and mouth exposed, your lips painted with a bright red lipstick, your bright blue eye (Please pretend your eyes aren't blue if they are) color contacts contrasting against the mask and all the black you wore. (B/F/N) snorted and adjusted her mask that was also black but it didn't look at all like yours.

Hers was more simple. Black background with white lace, and a bit of silver here and there. She had the same black outfit on that you had. Her lipstick was a bright purple and she had bright purple contacts instead of blue.

"Who are you?" Captain Rogers sneered.

"Someone." You answered right back, not even hesitating at all. You see his jaw clench in annoyance and you couldn't help but smirk lightly.

"Ok. She's sarcastic. I like her." You heard Clint Barton mutter to Natasha Romanoff.

"Aww. Why thank you!" You pretended to be touched.

"Alright. Stop it." Steve barked.

"Why? I was having fun!" You whined and stomped your feet a little bit. The heroes were all focused on you, giving a chance for (B/F/N) to escape quietly through the window.

"Alright. That's it!" Steve sneered and lunged towards you. You jumped out of the way and knocked him out with the Shield. You smirked when you saw all of the shocked faces of the Avengers.

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