Second Meeting (First Meeting Part 2)

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Where we left off:

"She works at the restaurant we go to sometimes." She muttered.

They all looked to each other and their eyes widened.

Something told Bucky, this wouldn't be the first meeting they had with you.

And now, the rest:

It was a regular shift that you were covering at the restaurant you worked in that had a 1940's feel to it and it always made you smile when you went to work. You loved the music they played that was from the 40's and it made the time you spent there more amazing as you often found yourself dancing to it when you weren't busy at the moment. You were actually from the 40's. You were some kind of mutant that barely aged and you were able to control the elements.

You were currently serving a table and gave them a smile as you left to take the tray you had back to the kitchen.

That's when the Avengers walked in. You quietly cursed but smiled when you waved to them. Hoping they didn't recognize you. You held up your finger to the Captain that you would be there in a moment to seat them and he nodded with a smile.

You quickly placed the tray back where you got it and grabbed your notepad that you were taking orders on. You then took a deep breath to gain your confidence and walked out to them.

"*Hi-de-ho! Welcome back to Saffo's diner. Usual table, Mr. Stark?" You asked kindly, making sure to make your voice sound as different as possible.

"Of course." He grinned and you grabbed the menus for the 6 heroes and took them back to the corner booth that would fit them all and that was secluded from the from windows.

"Alright. Can I start you all off with some *quenchers?" You asked and pulled a pen out from your hair that held up your pun with a couple other pens. You handed them all their menus and then they asked for what they liked to drink and you wrote it all down.

"Alrighty. I'll go get those for you and I'll be right back to get your orders." You smiled and gave Bucky a little wink with a grin and he smirked back and did the same.

You couldn't help that you were attracted to him. He was hot. And a gentleman so that added to the fact on why you liked him. You grinned to yourself as you walked away, making sure to swing your hips a little bit to make your skirt swing. And you could tell, Bucky was staring at you as you left.

You got their drinks and put them on a tray and carried it out to the table, being careful to watch your step in your 40's heels to make sure you wouldn't trip. You set the drink down, making sure to reach right across Bucky to place Steve's down on the table and you smirked slightly as you saw him oogling you over his menu.

Once you were done, you stood up and tucked the tray under your arm and grabbed your note-pad again.

"Are you guys ready, or do you need a few minutes?" You asked sweetly.

"We're gonna need a couple minutes, please," Steve said with a  smile and you nodded.

"Alright. I will be back shortly." You grinned and walked away again.

You walked into the kitchen and put the drink tray back and told the cooks to be ready for a big order and they nodded. You then walked out to check on your other customers and then you finally walked back over to the Avengers.

"Alright. You ready to order?" You asked with a smile and got your pen out, ready to write.

They nodded and you started with Clint and then went around the table until you got to Bucky.

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