Awesome Day With Your Fiance (Sebastian Stan)

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This was an awesome request by the amazing drshubhi4! This was a cool request! I loved it!

Now! On With The Show!


Seb and Anthony Mackie were at a comic con and there were sitting in a panel.

"So. Sebastian. We all know you have a girlfriend. And a little birdie told me that you had proposed. So, is it true?" The host asked. The fans cheered and Seb laughed and looked at his lap.

"OOOH! Has my man proposed? Man, you didn't tell me about that!" Mackie accused and lightly slapped Seb's shoulder.

"Shut up Mackie." Seb joked with a laugh.

"Come on. Tell me, is it true?" Mackie asked.

Seb wouldn't tell him and Mackie kept teasing him until Seb couldn't take it anymore.

"Alright! Alright. Yes, I did propose to my amazing girlfriend who's a doctor. And she did say yes." Seb finally admitted. The crowd cheered.

"OOH! Look. At. You!" Mackie laughed and Seb just shook his head at his friend.

"Why yes. He did propose. And I did say yes. Mackie." You said into your mic where you stood on the end of the stage. You walked to Seb and he smiled. He stood and wrapped his arms around you and pecked your cheek. Making the audience go wild.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome, Doctor (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!" The host cheered and you waved to the crowd before you sat down on the couch next to Seb while he sat in between you and Mackie.

"Girl. Let me see that ring!" Mackie said once the crowd calmed down again.

You showed him the beautiful ring that was sparkling on your finger.

"Mm. Mm. Mm! Seabass. You definitely scored with this amazing woman." Mackie smiled.

"Awww. Thanks, dude." Seb smiled.

The rest of the panel was fun and you even got asked a few questions. You had fun with Seb and Mackie and your sides were hurting with how much you were laughing.

All in all. You had an Awesome Day With Your Fiance.


There it is! Short and Sweet!

Hope you loved it!

Till Next Time My Fellow Stan Girls!

<3 Rach (MsMarvelNerdist42)

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