Prompt 3

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I suck at updating. I'm sorry. It's just school is coming to a close and there are only so many days left until Finals week is here and all that fun shizzles. Just know that over the summer I will be updating a lot more and hopefully frequently as well.

But here is prompt number 3

Now for this one:

You guys chose: B

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You guys chose: B. Which was Sebby and I seriously couldn't agree more lol.

Because Seriously, God made Sebastian Stan and then delivered him to us from the heavens so we could love him for his cuteness, dorkiness, and his beautiful face. Also his amazing personality.

ANYWAY! I hope you all love this!



Sebastian had been home for a few days because he had just gotten done shooting Avengers: Endgame. And yes, it broke your heart. Into millions of pieces.

But anyway. You had just gotten released from work, on your way home and you were tired. Working at an art shop all day made your feet, back, and neck hurt. You just wanted to get into a nice warm bath and soak for a while and then cuddle up into Sebastian and sleep the night and most of the next morning away. Thank Chuck you had the day off tomorrow. Because of two words. Supernatural. Binge.

You sighed in relief at the thought, a small smile curling your lips. But you had to get home first Stupid New York traffic.

You groaned softly and rested your forehead onto the steering wheel, Led Zepplin playing through the speakers of your car.

"Just don't murder anyone. You don't need to salt and burn their bones later in life because they're haunting you." You mumbled to yourself quietly.


You had finally gotten home. You almost had one mishap with murdering someone, but you refrained.

'Thank you Castiel for keeping my ass in check' You thought to yourself as you climbed up the porch steps to the house you and Sebastian shared.

Opening up the door and kicking off your paint speckled converse, you closed the door behind you and dropped your bag by the door.

"Seba!?" You called through the house to find him.

"Kitchen!" He called back.

You nodded to yourself and started your way to the kitchen, your feet hurting with every step. Once to the room you had desired to be in, you slumped down onto a stool at the island and groaned softly as you lent forward. Stretching out your sore and tight muscles.

"Tiring day?" Seb asked.

"Uh huh." You hummed and lifted your head from the counter and rested your chin on your folded arms in front of you.

"Mmm. I see. But I have a question." Seb smiled as he placed his chin in his hand as he looked at you.

"Shoot." You smiled a bit and matched him.

"Did it hurt?" He smiled and you rolled your eyes.

"Let me guess. When I fell from Heaven?" You laughed softly.

"No." Seb shook his head and your brows furrowed in confusion.

"What?" You mumbled. A grin grew on Seb's face before he replied with,

"Did it hurt when you fell for me?"

You sat there for a second and laughed, a smile breaking out on your tired face.

"Wow. That was the smoothest thing I have ever heard you say!" You laughed and let your head fall from your hand a little. Seb just grinned at his accomplishment with a smile that brightened any dark room.

"Holy Chuck I love you." You smiled.

"I love you too." He grinned.

You got up and walked around the counter to wrap your arms around him with a smile. Kissing his lips softly. Seb returned the kiss and hug, holding you as close as possible. Your bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces.

"You're such a dork." You mumbled when you pulled away.

"Yeah. But I'm your dork," Seb smiled. "Now, you go get into the bath and then I'll put some muscle rub on your back. Then we'll chill and eat pizza while we binge some Supernatural. Ok?" He listed off and you nodded.

"Ok." You grinned before detangling yourself from him and started up the stairs with a huge smile on your face. 


There it is!

Short and Sweet!

I hope you all loved it!

Okie. I should have another update up soon! Even though I suck at updating which I am so sorry for.

Love you all!

♡ Rach ( -cynefin ) (< You can find some of my other works on my profile. If you would like to read them while you are waiting for me to update here!)

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