Mood Swings and Hair Cuts (Sebastian Stan)

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Seb got a new haircut recently and I wanted to write an imagine about it! I hope you guys like it!


There you laid on your couch. Binge watching your boyfriend Sebastian's movies while eating chocolate icecream and anything else chocolate. Yeah, the cursed Mother Nature has come to pay you a visit.

You were cuddles up in some of Seb's sweatpants and his sweatshirt, and you had your favorite blanket draped over you. Seb's been gone for a while, you had no idea why though.

You were in the middle of The Winter Soldier when Seb came home. He had a hat on his head and a bag in his hand. He got you a few things since he knew you were on that cursed week of the month.

"Sebby!" You cheered a little. You were kinda hopped up on Aleve, it helped with the cramps.

"Hey (Y/N)." Seb smiled. He set the bag down and slid off his hat. Revealing his new haircut.

Your smile fell and your eyes brimmed with tears.

"Sebby?" You questioned, your voice shaking a bit.

"What's wrong?" Seb asked with concern in his voice.

"Your hair...." You said sadly and a tear slipped down your cheek. "Where'd it go?" You asked in a small voice. The hormones taking over.

"I got it cut." Seb states like it isn't a big deal.

"But.... But..... I liked your long hair." You sniffed and more tears fell.

"Oh. Baby, I'm sorry. Come here." Seb cooed and pulled you into a hug.

"Why'd you cut it?" You sobbed.

"Shhhh. It's ok. I'm sorry. I'll grow it back." Seb shushed you.

"I want it back now." You cried. Seb grabbed some chocolate and handed it to you. You stuffed it in your mouth and chewed it sadly.

"I'm sorry honey. But it was time for a change. I'll grow it back, ok?" Seb said, trying not to laugh.

"Ok." You sniffled and nibbled on your chocolate. "Stupid hormones." You mumbled.

Seb chuckled and you cracked a small smile. Seb pulled you into his lap and cuddled you while you watched the rest of the movie with him.

You then fell asleep in his embrace with a small smile. Seb smiled and brushed your hair from your face with a smile.

And he made a not to himself: NEVER get a haircut when the girlfriend is experiencing mood swings.


Short and sweet. Hope you all love it!

Till next time my fellow Stan Girls!

<3 BuckysGirl42

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